Saturday, November 12, 2016

stone fish

stone fish

Synanceia verrucosa is a fish of the family Synanceiidae. Easily confused with stones or corals, they survive until one day out of water. It is the most poisonous fish known today, as its bite can be fatal to humans. It can be found in the Pacific and Indian Ocean and measures between 30 and 60 centimeters. Their food consists of small fish and crustaceans. Its greenish color makes it particularly difficult for people to see, which causes many people to accidentally step on them. These fish can also inhabit rocky beaches and lagoons with rock bottoms. It is a fish that is solitary and territorialist and usually stays still without moving, which allows their prey to approach and not see them. If a person step on a stone fish, which happens several times, its venom causes intense and intractable pain, because not even morphine can relieve the pain. The person is forced to endure unbearable pain for several hours. There are even reports of people who, after stepping on a stone fish, even ask the doctors to amputate the poison-infected limb, as there is nothing to relieve the pain of their venom. Its stinging can be fatal for children and elderly people if there is no medical care. There are unproven reports that people suffering from arthritis or osteoporosis have had mobility improvements and reduced pain caused by the disease after the fish accident. Another unproven report is that pain from the bite may return with similar intensity years after the accident.

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