Wednesday, November 16, 2016

domestic lizard

domestic lizard

The tropical domestic lizard (Hemidactylus mabouia) is a small-sized gecko (20 mm to 110 mm) that walks on the walls of houses, especially when it rains. The diet of this animal is varied, including animals such as spiders, scorpions, insects, especially cockroaches and Orthoptera species, and even other lizards.

This species is native to Africa, but is now found in almost all of America and elsewhere in the "New World". It is common in urban environments.

The species is also very popularly known in Ceará as briba or viper or even lapixa, in Rio Grande do Norte, Lambiôia. In Espírito Santo and in Itabira (Minas Gerais) it is known as taruíra. Also known in some places as chameleon. In some regions of Brazil, such as Santa Catarina and Northwest Paulista, the lizard is also known as a crocodilian wall. Already in some places of the Brazilian Northeast, it is called "viper", although this term is connected to snakes and not to lizards, in Piauí, this small animal is generally called Labigó or nub. And in Maranhão is known as Osga, in the state of Roraima is known as Tiquiri.

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