The snipe (Gallinago paraguaiae) is a species of South American bird, caradriiforme, the family of escolopacídeos. It measures about 30 cm long, having long, straight beak, dark back with yellowish stripes. It is also called by the following common names: crouching, agachadeira, Atim, Semipalmated, berrumeira, beak-rail, skimmer, boll weevil, windbreaker, torch moorhen, moorhen torch sweet, minjolinho, Monjolinho, snipe, common snipe-girl, narcejinha, man and boy.
- The snipe was widely quoted in the movie Up, Pixar Animation Studios, especially the character Carl Fredericksen.
- The snipe is quoted also in the collection author of the Chronicles of Narnia C.S.Lewis in The Horse and His Boy.
- The snipe is also quoted in Anna Karenina (Anna Karenina) of Leo Tolstoy.
- The snipe is cited by José de Alencar in Iracema work at the time Batuireté, Pitiguara shaman and grandfather of Poti says, dying, to see his grandson side foreigner to Martim that Tupa wanted his eyes saw the hawk with the snipe.
- The snipe is quoted by Erico Verissimo Incident in Antares.
- The word "snipe" in English is snipe. From such term Anglophone, originating up sniper term (something like "narcejeiro" or snipe hunter in Portuguese), which is used to refer to snipers. This term was coined because snipe hunters must have a great aim, accuracy and reflexes to achieve in full these fast and frisky birds.
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