Sunday, August 7, 2016



Leopard (Panthera pardus), also called ounce of the Cape Verdean in Angola, is, like the tiger, lion and jaguar, one of four big cats of the genus Panthera. It is considered one of the smartest predators on earth.


Measure of 1.30 m to 1.67 m in length and weigh between 30 and 90 kg. Females have about two thirds of the male size. Smaller than the jaguar, the leopard is no less fierce. Dwelleth Africa and Asia.

black leopard (also known as "black panther"). Animal with melanism.
Her pregnancy is 12 weeks (3 months).

It has several subspecies, including leopard African leopard-Indian, and some are critically endangered, as the amur leopard, leopard-of-Barbary and the leopard-of-arabia.

The leopard-nebulous (nebula Neofelis) and Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia) are species that belong to different genres, despite the Leopard name in common.

There are leopards born all black (popularly known as black panther), these individuals occurs melanism, a genetic alteration, and even with his dark coat can still view his spots, as well as the jaguar.

The leopard has a long tail, which helps to maintain balance when climbing trees (which prefer to eat their prey) or making long runs at high speeds (about 50 km / h), unlike the jaguar that has no tail so long.

In the desert, can reach 15 years of age

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