Sunday, August 28, 2016



Horse (caballu Latin) is a mammal of the order of ungulates, one of the three modern subspecies of the species Equus ferus. The name for females is mare, for uncastrated male is stallion, for barrows is capon and the puppies is foal. This large ungulate is a member of the same family of donkeys and zebras, the equine. All seven members of the Equidae family are of the same genus, Equus, and can relate to and produce hybrids, not fertile, as the mules. They belong to the order of Perissodactyla, being so relatives of rhinos and tapirs, and tapirs.

These animals depend on speed to escape predators. They are social animals that live in groups led by matriarchs. The horses wear an elaborate body language to communicate with each other, which humans can learn to understand to improve communication with these animals. Their lifetime ranges from 25 to 40 years.

The horse had for a long time a role in transport; It was like riding or pulling a carriage, a cart, a stagecoach, a tram, etc .; also in agricultural work, such as animals for plowing, etc. as well as food. Until the mid-twentieth century, armies used horses intensely in war: soldiers still call a group of machines that now took the place of horses in the battlefield "cavalry units", sometimes keeping traditional names (Horse Lord Strathcona , etc.)

As a curiosity, the fastest race horse, the famous thoroughbred (English Thoroughbred or PSI) reaches on average the incredible speed of 17 m / s (~ 60 km / h).

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for you who like horses watch the videos of them:

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