Wednesday, August 24, 2016



Cicadoidea is a superfamily of the order Hemiptera, suborder Homoptera, which groups the insects known by the common names of cicada and blind-watering. There are over 1 500 known species of the insects (wherein the Carineta fasciculata can be considered as the Brazilian type species). They are notable because of the singing sung by males, different for each species that is heard in the hot period of the year. The males of these insects have stridulatory unit, located on the sides of the first abdominal segment, sending each species, a distinctive sound.

Cicadas are also recognized by the characteristic shape and the large size, ranging about 15 millimeters to just over 65 mm in length and reaching up to 10 cm wingspan. Have a "beak" long to feed on the sap of trees and plants where they normally live.

The importance of the buzzer on the ecosystem is positive, on the one hand, to serve as food for the predators and negative, secondly, because it is in some crop pests. Their live nymphs feeding on the sap of plant roots, causing damage sensitive by the amount of vital fluids exiting and the injury to the roots, facilitating the penetration of fungi and bacteria.

Many species of cicada have different periods of ripening, with life cycles of varying lengths, while the larvae are under the ground. But seven species magicicada genus have an additional characteristic: they are synchronized, that is all coming from the floor simultaneously for about two weeks deafening corner, mating and laying eggs.

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