Wednesday, August 31, 2016



Mule, mule mu, mule, beast, donkey, male or donkey (the latter, on the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo and in some regions of Brazil) in their common modern meaning, it is the resulting hybrid individual crossing an ass (donkey), with a horse (Equus caballus). The reverse crossing a horse with a donkey, generates Bardoto. Mule is the term used to refer to the female hybrid; the male is usually called "male" in Portugal and "dumb" in Brazil ..


"Mule" and "mu" originated from the Latin term mulu. "Beast" originated from Latin bestia term. "Macho" originated from the Latin term masculu. "Burro" originated from "donkey".


To group positive characteristics of the two species is adapted animal to the transport of cargo, and was widely used until the early twentieth century, especially in rugged topography sites.

Because horses possess 64 chromosomes and a donkey has 62, resulting in 63 chromosomes, the mules are almost always sterile. There are rare cases in which a mule gave birth; Indeed, since 1527, when cases began to be filed, only 60 cases were recorded.



The Lion-white is a rare mutation of lion South African color (Transvaal Lion), due to a genetic feature called leucism. The white lion is not a separate subspecies. It is distinguished from the normal South African lions only for its very clear coat, almost white, caused by abnormalities in their genes


White Lion. Adult male in captivity
The white lion belongs to the subspecies Transvaal Lion (Lion South African). White lions are not albinos, are leucísticos. Its white color is caused by a recessive inhibitor gene different from the gene albinism. Its coat varies from blond to almost white. This feature does not cause physiological problems, unlike albinism, the leucism does not confer increased sensitivity to sunlight. However a disadvantage because it reduces their ability to camouflage themselves in the hunt for their prey.

Lions this color were never very common in nature. The gene that confers this characteristic is recessive, and only revealed when they are crossed individuals carrying the mutant gene. This intersection is done purposely in zoos, by now no longer exist in nature and therefore these where there is the largest number of individuals leucísticos. In the past, lions with this coloration were sighted in the Timbavati reserve and the Kruger National Park, but since 1993 are not sighted in nature.



Alligator is a common name for the species of crocodilians Alligatoridae family, being very similar to crocodiles, which are distinguished by shorter and broad head and the presence of webbed thumbs in the hind legs. Alligators, which are also called "alligators" or "Caymans" differ from crocodiles still regarding the dentition, the fourth canine tooth of the lower jaw fits in the upper jaw of the hole, while the crocodile stands out, when they have mouth shut. The size of an alligator may vary sixty centimeters (Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman) to 5.5 meters (black caiman) and can weigh three to five hundred kilos.

Alligators inhabit the Americas, having disappeared from Europe in the Pliocene. In North America, there is only the Alligator genre. "Alligator" and "caiman" are synonymous with "alligator".


The term "alligator" comes from the Tupi term îakaré. The term "alligator" originates from the English term alligator. But the term "caiman" comes from the Taino word Kaiman.

Geographic distribution

The alligator is a typical species of the United States to South America, and their close relatives, the crocodiles inhabit some regions of the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia and gavials are found only in India. All are in the same group of reptiles (Crocodylia), but have characteristics that differentiate them. Cayman is a name common to many American alligators Caiman genre.

Sunday, August 28, 2016



Horse (caballu Latin) is a mammal of the order of ungulates, one of the three modern subspecies of the species Equus ferus. The name for females is mare, for uncastrated male is stallion, for barrows is capon and the puppies is foal. This large ungulate is a member of the same family of donkeys and zebras, the equine. All seven members of the Equidae family are of the same genus, Equus, and can relate to and produce hybrids, not fertile, as the mules. They belong to the order of Perissodactyla, being so relatives of rhinos and tapirs, and tapirs.

These animals depend on speed to escape predators. They are social animals that live in groups led by matriarchs. The horses wear an elaborate body language to communicate with each other, which humans can learn to understand to improve communication with these animals. Their lifetime ranges from 25 to 40 years.

The horse had for a long time a role in transport; It was like riding or pulling a carriage, a cart, a stagecoach, a tram, etc .; also in agricultural work, such as animals for plowing, etc. as well as food. Until the mid-twentieth century, armies used horses intensely in war: soldiers still call a group of machines that now took the place of horses in the battlefield "cavalry units", sometimes keeping traditional names (Horse Lord Strathcona , etc.)

As a curiosity, the fastest race horse, the famous thoroughbred (English Thoroughbred or PSI) reaches on average the incredible speed of 17 m / s (~ 60 km / h).

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for you who like horses watch the videos of them:

Saturday, August 27, 2016

live 1000

live 1000

thanks for 1,000 views animals in my blog, I dem tips for more posts of animals, please



Swans are waterbirds of Anserinae subfamily, which also includes geese. On the whole, form the genus Cygnus, are characterized by long neck and short legs. Their geographical distribution is diverse, and the swans white northern hemisphere, while the southern hemisphere have plumage sometimes colorful. Swans form monogamous couples and build nests which hatch between 3 to 8 eggs. If the fault nesting is common for swan couple members seek another partner, which sometimes can be the same sex and taking the nest of their own females and thus continuing to take care of the egg.

In the UK, all the wild white swans are owned by Queen Elizabeth II, and if you hurt one of these birds will be processed by the Queen in person. This rule dates back to the 12th century, where the swans were counted and examined and was where the crown claimed ownership of swans to ensure the supply of birds for banquets.

Thursday, August 25, 2016



Swallows (Latin HIRUNDO -dĭnis; Hirondina) are a group of passerine birds Hirundinidae family. The family stands out from other birds by adaptations developed for air power. Swallows hunt insects in the air and so developed a fusiform body and relatively long and pointed wings. It measures about 13 cm (length) and can live about eight years or more.


Females do a position 4 or 5 eggs, which are then incubated for about 25 days. After the incubation time, the young are born, which is made by feeding both parents.

When there is low temperature, the swallows gather in band and go looking for sites hottest Europe, also going north Africa. Then, when the temperature starts to rise, around the spring, they return again. They build their homes near heat in small nests usually glued to the ceiling.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016



Cicadoidea is a superfamily of the order Hemiptera, suborder Homoptera, which groups the insects known by the common names of cicada and blind-watering. There are over 1 500 known species of the insects (wherein the Carineta fasciculata can be considered as the Brazilian type species). They are notable because of the singing sung by males, different for each species that is heard in the hot period of the year. The males of these insects have stridulatory unit, located on the sides of the first abdominal segment, sending each species, a distinctive sound.

Cicadas are also recognized by the characteristic shape and the large size, ranging about 15 millimeters to just over 65 mm in length and reaching up to 10 cm wingspan. Have a "beak" long to feed on the sap of trees and plants where they normally live.

The importance of the buzzer on the ecosystem is positive, on the one hand, to serve as food for the predators and negative, secondly, because it is in some crop pests. Their live nymphs feeding on the sap of plant roots, causing damage sensitive by the amount of vital fluids exiting and the injury to the roots, facilitating the penetration of fungi and bacteria.

Many species of cicada have different periods of ripening, with life cycles of varying lengths, while the larvae are under the ground. But seven species magicicada genus have an additional characteristic: they are synchronized, that is all coming from the floor simultaneously for about two weeks deafening corner, mating and laying eggs.



Earthworms are annelids animals oligochaete class Haplotaxida order, distributed by wet soils around the world, some only centimeters and the other with one to two meters in length, in which cases are known as minhocuçus. Your body is made up of rings (body segments). They are also known to be various animal hearts in total are 8. Although not hearts "true", perform the same function.

They live underground (underground are animals), dig galleries and channels, seeking shelter and plant remains, their staple food, eaten with large amounts of land. They are thus, scavengers animals as feed on waste from various sources, comprising the humus. Earthworms constantly excrete earth, because of its simple digestive system.

Earthworms have a cylindrical, elongated body, mouth and anus, at opposite ends; and a lighter ring, clitelo, closer to the mouth.

Swiping your finger in its ventral region, from back to front, we feel that the animal skin is rough due to the presence of rows of microscopic bristles of chitin. The earthworms secure the ends of the bristles on the ground, facilitating its displacement, when contracting the strong musculature of the body wall.

Worm on a hook as a fishing bait
The earthworms The epidermis is covered by a thin cuticle chitin and produces very mucus, which makes viscous, reducing friction with the ground and facilitate the displacement. The mucus also protects the skin when in contact with toxic or harmful substances and ensures the necessary moisture to the exchange of respiratory gases across the surface of the body. This is called the skin respiration.

Earthworms are often used as bait (live) in trolling.

Unlike what some people think, the blind snake is not worm and has a very different classification.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

polar bear

 polar bear

The polar bear (scientific name: Ursus maritimus), also known as polar bears, is a species of carnivorous mammal of the family Ursidae found in Arctic polar circle. It is the largest known terrestrial carnivore and also the largest bear, together with the Kodiak Bear, which is about the same size. Although related to the brown bear, this species has evolved to occupy a narrow ecological niche, with many morphological characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving on snow, ice and water, and for hunting seals, which comprises the largest portion from your diet.

The species is classified as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with eight of the nineteen subpopulations in decline. Among the threats that hit the bear are the development of the region with oil and gas exploration, contamination by pollutants, poaching and the effects of climate change on habitat. For hundreds of years, the polar bear has been a key figure in cultural, spiritual and material from indigenous Arctic peoples, appearing in many legends and tales of these people.


The polar-bear has a poligâmicoe mating system in some regions this relationship is promiscuous. Males and females stay together for a short time while the females are receptive and there is no other link between the sexes. The breeding season occurs in late winter and early spring, from March until June. Most ovulations occur in April and May, making estrus is not synchronized. The females come into estrus every two or three years after weaning puppies or after losing the calves before weaning.  This prolonged association between female and pups results in a distorted relationship between functional sexes, with two to three males available for each female in heat, leading to increased competition among males for access to females in heat. Consequently, males can form dominance hierarchies, often unstable, through fights that result in bites, bruises and broken teeth, especially the canines.

The implantation of the fertilized egg is delayed until August or September in the fall, extending the pregnancy to 195-265 days. During most of the time, the active development of the conceptus is stopped. During these months, the pregnant female eats large amounts of food, gaining at least 200 kg and often more than doubling her body weight.  In the fall when the floes from beginning to ending the possibility of hunting, pregnant females build a nest, which consists of a narrow entrance leading to a tunnel or even three chambers, digging snow in October or November. Nests are located a few kilometers from the coast (usually within 8 km) and usually the same maternity areas are used each year. In the play, she enters a dormant state similar to hibernation. This state does not consist of a continuous sleep, however, the heart rate slows from 46 to 27 beats per minute. Your body temperature does not decrease during this period as it would in a typical mammal goes into hibernation.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Guara wolf

Guara wolf

The maned wolf (scientific name: Chrysocyon brachyurus) is a species of endemic canid of South America and the only member of the genus Chrysocyon. Probably the closest living species is the dog vinegar (bush dog). It is in savannas and open areas in the center of Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia, with a typical Cerrado animal. It was extinguished in part of its occurrence to the south, but should still occur in Uruguay.

It is the largest canid of South America, can reach between 20 and 30 kg in weight and 90 cm in height at withers. His long, thin legs and thick reddish coat give it an unmistakable appearance. The maned wolf is adapted to open environments of the South American savannas, one Twilight and omnivorous animal, with an important role in the dispersion of fruits of the Cerrado seeds, mainly lobeira (Solanum Lycocarpum). Solitary, territories are divided between a couple, which is the female estrus period. These territories are quite large and may have an area up to 123 square kilometers. Communication is mainly through scent marking, but also occur vocalizations like barking. Gestation lasts up to 65 days with the newborn black weighing between 340 and 430 g.

Although not considered endangered by the IUCN, all countries in which it occurs classify some degree of threat, despite not knowing the real situation of the population. It is estimated that there are about 23 thousand animals in nature, and is a popular animal in all zoos. It is mainly threatened by the destruction of the cerrado to expand agriculture, road kills, hunting and diseases arising from domestic dogs. However, it is adaptable and tolerant to changes caused by humans. The maned wolf is currently in Atlantic Forest areas already deforested, which was not the case originally.

Some communities carry superstitions about the maned wolf and may even nourish an aversion to the animal. But in general the maned wolf causes sympathy in humans and is therefore used as flagship species in the conservation of the Cerrado.

Thursday, August 18, 2016



Pug (Chinese: 巴哥 犬) is a companion breed of dog originating in China. This statement is based on the fact that they found similar dogs in East nation in the 1700s BC However, only when brought to Europe, first by the Dutch and then the English, is that the race reached the modern standard. Adopted by European royalty, it was the favorite of Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. With its increasing popularity, also won several names depending on the country. It was called mop, mol, carlin, Carline, pug-dog.

Physically, the pug is considered a small pet, which can weigh up to 13 kg. For its size and do not require much exercise, the Pug is the kind of dog ideal for apartment. Pugs are brachycephalic dogs, or dogs with "flat" muzzle. Dogs with this tablet features has the upper respiratory system and therefore do not tolerate much physical exercise.


The Pug is classified as "companion dog" as part of the group of dogs "Toys" or "Company", the group 9. Pugs should weigh between 6.3 and 8.1 kg, heavy dogs for their stature. Your overall appearance must be square and massive, must show "Multum in parvo" (a lot of substance in a small volume), which shows in its compact form, with proportionality between the parties and firm muscles.

The head of the Pug is the most original and typical characteristic of the breed. Must be round when you look at the front and completely flat snout when viewed in profile. The eyes of a Pug are round, dark, expressive and full of life. His ears are set on the head, must be black. The wrinkles on the head of a Pug should be deep and easy to see, because in them the color is darker than outside. There must be a big wrinkle on nariz.Outra important feature of the Pug is his tail. The tail is implanted above the croup and should be strongly curled. The double-coiled tail is the ideal that the creators seek, but one tight turn is acceptable. Pugs have basically two colors: fawn (apricot) in various shades and black.