Friday, July 15, 2016



Seals are animals pecualiares the family group of mammals focídeos (in scientific Latin Phocidae) super family of pinnipeds (Pinnipedia), adapted to marine life. The body of a seal is hydrodynamic, like a torpedo, with the anterior and posterior members in the form of fin. Another interesting detail is that the seals do not have ears, which distinguishes them from Otariidae family (sea lions). All these features make, seals, excellent swimmers. In contrast, the seals have no ability to land, being easy prey for polar bears and hunters.


"Foca" originated from the Greek word phóke through Latin phoca term.


Seals are carnivorous and feed on fish and cephalopods. Generally, they reproduce colonies.

Seals have around 1.70 meters long, weigh 80-100 kg and the breeding season is between February and May.

Located in the North Pole region and are excellent and agile swimmers. Their ears are internal and have little body hair, and they are thick and short, and the gray color or dark brown. Seals are able to close the nostrils underwater while looking for food. Generally, adult males measure about 2 meters long. With approximately 6 months of life, the baby seal can already swim alone. Seals communicate with each other through the issue of bass and can live 50 years.

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