Monday, July 4, 2016



Suricata doperenses, popularly called meerkat, meerkat, suricate or dopera, is a species of mammal in Herpestidae family. It is the only species described for Suricata genre. It is found in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Angola. These animals have about half a meter in length (including the tail), on average 730 grams of weight and brown coat. The suricates feed on small arthropods, mainly beetles and spiders. They have sharp claws on hind legs that allow them to dig the floor surface and has sharp teeth to penetrate the chitinous shells of their prey. Another distinguishing characteristic is its ability to raise the hind legs using the tail as a third support.

These animals are exclusively diurnal and live in colonies of up to 40 individuals, building a complicated system of tunnels underground, where they remain overnight. Within the group, the animals to take turns on guard duties and protection of the community's young. The social system of suricates is complex and includes a language which seems to indicate, for example, the type of an approaching predator. Studies show that suricates are able to actively teach their young to hunt, a method similar to the human ability to teach. Suricate means cat-of-stones.

General features

Size: body length: 22 cm; standing height: 26, 28 cm
Mass: 720 g for females and 731 g for males
By: Brownish. They have parallel stripes on its back, which extend from the base of the tail to the shoulders. stripes patterns are unique to each meerkat.
Lifespan: In the wild can live 10 years; ranging between 5 and 12 years. In captivity live up to 15 years.
Habitat: Savannah and grassland, dry and open plains, desert areas.
Feeding: It feeds mainly on insects: beetles larvae and butterflies; also eat millipedes, spiders, scorpions, small vertebrates (reptiles, amphibians and birds), eggs and vegetable matter. They are relatively immune to the venom of cobras and scorpions, which are even one of the foods most appreciate.
Reproduction: They reach sexual maturity at one year of age and may have three to five pups per litter. They can have up to four litters per year. They reproduce at any time of year but most births occur in the warmer seasons.
Life: Approximately 5 and 12 years
They're very smart animals.

They are intelligent, as early as two months longer teach their young to hunt and protect your group

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