sea lions
The sea lion is a mammal pinniped Otariidae family semiaquƔtico living in regions of low temperatures and feeds mainly on fish (such as turbot and herring) and mollusks.The sea lions were given this name because in males the coat is different from the females: they have a kind of mane, as the true lions. Moreover, as they have a serious roar, eventually called "lion". Inhabit beaches and rocky shores and are often mistaken for seals. Because of this both sea lions confusion as the sea-wolves are also known as "eared seals", however there are differences that distinguish these two animals; seals do not have external ears, unlike sea lions, they have a tiny opening of the ear but that allow you excellent hearing. Also seals are better swimmers and moving poorly on land dragging his body on the ground. Already the sea lions can rotate their flippers forward and march well on the ground and climbing rocks, a great resource to escape predators.
Gestation lasts a lioness aquamarine around 12 months. The puppies get to measure 40 cm, and the fact of being born on earth, only learn to swim after 2 months of life.
The sea lions have been very close to extinction. Between 1917 and 1953, over half a million of
these animals were slaughtered by hunters in search of your fat and your leather, used mainly in the making of coats. With the ban on hunting, these animals which weigh 300 kilograms and reach three meters in length (female 140 kg and males 300 kg), began to recover. Still, still suffer from water pollution and especially with fishing carried out with nets. His greatest predators are humans, orcas and sharks.
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