Monday, July 11, 2016

paint horse

paint horse

Paint Horse is a breed of horse originating in the United States, characterized by being smart, muscular, versatile, strong and athletic. The muscular conformation in relation to bone and muscle building, make this horse is adapted to work on the farm. Although usually with strong and balanced bone structure, Paint is an animal considered beautiful, especially in the neck area and head. Each horse has a combination of great whites with other colors.

It is a relatively new breed in Brazil. Its beginning took place in the United States from not granting registration of certain colorings with large percentage of White American Quarter Horse. Thus, these alternative colorings that were rejected went on to form a new race, the Paint horse. Paint is an option for the room makers mile, is a horse that combines versatility with beautiful alternative coat. The name "chick" from the Spanish "painted" became for the cowboys of the American West "paint", thus naming the Paint horse race (Painted Horse). Horses mottled or more than one color were also called "calicos".

The Paint Horse has two types of color: overo and tobiano. Overo is the basic background of the coat with large white spots and irregular; tobiano is the white background of the coat with large patches of other colors and irregular.

Before being created the Paint Horse Association in Brazil, ABQM became a special registration horses Quarter Horse, specifying the white excess.

note : I'll post some breeds of horses that I like.

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