Friday, June 3, 2016

proboscis monkey

proboscis monkey

The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) or Monkey-nosed long known as abekantan in Malay, has a reddish-brown arbóreomacaco Old World that is endemic Asian island of Borneo Southeast. It belongs to the monotypic Nasalis genre, although the pig-tailedtradicionalmente langur were also included in this genre. It is still a preferred treatment for some.
               The monkey also goes by the Malaysian monyet belanda name ( "Dutch monkey"), or even orango belanda ( "Dutch") as Indonesians remarked that the Dutch colonizers often had also great noses and tummies.

This species of monkey is easily identifiable because of his abnormally large nose.
The Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is a monkey Cercopithecidae family, endemic to Borneo. These animals inhabit omangue and its popular name derives from the fact that males possess a long, flexible nose. They run the risk of being extinct, and the males of the race at the time of mating, emit a sound using your nose as a tool.

Physical description

              The proboscis monkey is a large species, one species of monkey native largest in Asia. Only the Tibetan monkey and some of the gray langurs can rival its size. dimorphism sexualé pronounced in species. Males have a long head-body 66 to 76.2 cm and typically weigh from 16 to 22.5 kg with a maximum weight of 30 kg known. The females are between 53.3 to 62 cm head and body length and weigh 7 to 12 kg with a maximum mass of 15 kg known. which would further increase the dimorphism is the big nose or male proboscis, which can exceed 10 cm in length, and hangs below the mouth. However, the woman's nose is still quite large for a primate. The proboscis monkey is almost time finish.
              The skin on the back is bright orange, reddish brown, yellowish brown or brick red. The loin is clear, yellowish or grayish gray to orange. The face is orange-pink. The male has a red cock with a black scrotum. Both sexes have bulging stomach which give the monkeys that resembles a belly. Many of the fingers of monkeys are webbed.

Social behavior

              The proboscis monkeys usually live in groups of an adult male, some adult females and their offspring. for males groups may also exist. Some individuals are solitary, mostly males. The monkeys live in groups of overlapping ranges of the territory, with little territoriality in a fission-fusion society, gathering groups in places like sleeping the night falls. There are bands that arise when groups come together and separate slip. Groups meet during the day and travel together, but only individuals groom and play with your own. A male groups consist of 9-19 individuals, while the bands can consist of up to 60 subjects. A male generally composed of three groups of 12 individuals but may contain more. severe aggression is unusual among monkeys, but less aggression do not normally occur.
              In general, members of the same bands are quite tolerant of each other. The linear dominance hierarchy among women. Males of a male groups can stay in their groups of six to eight years. Substitutions in the resident males seem to occur without serious assault. Upon reaching adulthood, males leave their natal groups and participate in all groups men. Females also sometimes leave their home groups, perhaps to avoid infanticide or inbreeding, reduce competition for food, or elevation of social status.


              Females reach sexual maturity at five years old. They experience some sexual swelling, involving the genitals becoming pink or reddish. In one of the local, largely matings occur between February and November, while the births occur between March and May. The Copulas tend to last half a minute. The male will grab the female by the ankles or torso and mount it behind. Both sexes will encourage mating, but are not always successful. When ordering both sexes will pouting faces. In addition, males and females vocalize sometimes will present their rear. mating pairs are sometimes beset by sub-adults.
              The proboscis monkey can also participate in the assembly without reproductive purposes, as the playful and the same mounting sex. Pregnancy usually lasts 166-200 days or a little more. The females tend to give birth at night or early in the morning. Mothers then eat the placenta and licks their babies leaving them clean. Young people begin to eat solid food, six weeks later, and are weaned at seven months old.
              The nose of a young male grows slowly until it reaches adulthood. The mother will allow the other members of your group hold your baby. When a male resident in a group of one male is replaced, the chicks become at risk of infanticide.


              The Tromba (nose) of these monkeys are known to make different vocalizations. When communicating the status of the group, males emit honks. They have a special snoring issued to babies, which is also used for security. Males will also produce alarm calls to signal danger. Both sexes give threats calls, but each are different. In addition, females and immature individuals will issue the so-called "female" calls when angry. Snores, growls and grunts are made during low intensity agonistic encounters. Displays Nonvocal include jumping from branch-shaking, teeth bare-open mouth threats and erection in males, made in the same situations.


              The proboscis monkey is endemic to the island of Borneo and can be found in all three countries that share the island: Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. It is most common in coastal areas and rivers. This species is restricted to lowland environments that may face tides. Favors dipterocarp, swamp and riverine forests. It can also be found in rickety swamp forests, rubber plantations, limestone mountain forests, swamps Nypa, Nibong marshes, swamps and tall forests, tropical health forests and steep cliffs. This species usually be at least one kilometer from a water source. It is perhaps the most aquatic of primates and is an excellent swimmer, able to dive up to 20 meters away underwater. It is known to swim in rivers. In addition, the proboscis monkey is largely, arboreal and move with four paws and jumps. It is known to jump branches and down in the water.

Food and activities

              As seasonal and frugivore folivore, the proboscis monkey eats mainly fruits and leaves. It also eats flowers, seeds, insects and, to a lesser extent. At least 55 different plant species are consumed ", with a marked preference for Eugenia sp., And Ganua motleyana lophopetalum javanicum". The young leaves are preferred over mature leaves and green fruits are preferred over ripe fruit. Being a seasonal eater, the proboscis monkey eats mainly fruits from January to May and mainly leaves from June to December. Groups usually sleep in the adjacent trees. Monkeys tend to sleep near rivers, if they are close. Proboscis monkeys will start the day foraging and then rest further inland. daily activities of Proboscis monkeys consist of rest, travel, food and vigilant. Occasionally, they chew their cud to allow efficient digestion and feed intake. As evening approaches, the monkeys to move back near the river and forage again. proboscis monkey predators include crocodiles, leopards, eagles, lizards and pythons. Monkeys will cross rivers in close or crossing arboreally if possible. This can serve as avoiding predators.

Conservation state

              The proboscis monkey is assessed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List of threatened species and listed in Appendix I of CITES. Its total population decreased by more than 50% in 36-40 years to 2008 due to continued loss of habitat and hunting in some areas. The population is fragmented: the largest remaining populations are found in Kalimantan, there is much less in Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah. The proboscis monkey is protected by law in all regions of Borneo. In Malaysia, it is protected by a number of laws, including the Law of Wildlife Protection (federal law), Ordinance Wildlife Protection 1998 (Chapter 26) and Promulgation Wildlife Conservation 1997 (Sabah state law)

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