Thursday, October 20, 2016



Iguana is a genus of reptiles of Iguanidae family. It occurs in tropical regions of Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Have arboreal habits, that is, live in trees and can reach 180 cm. When new, the iguanas have an intense green color, since when larger, present throughout the body, dark stripes. The tail has an iguana two thirds of the total body length. Iguanas can be created in humid tropical terrarium, by inhabiting tropical forests.


Iguanas are totally herbivorous, usually feed on leaves, flowers and fruits of the trees they inhabit. In captivity should take special care with the power of this animal, considering that it is impossible to replicate the diet of this in nature. A proper diet should have green vegetables with leaves, which includes beets, cabbage, alfalfa, parsley, among others, should be avoided vegetables such as lettuce, which, especially in excess harm Iguanids.

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