Monday, October 31, 2016

Spix's Macaw

 Spix's Macaw

The Spix's Macaw (scientific name: Cyanopsitta spixii, from Greek: kuanos, "blue pool; cyan" + Latin: psitta, "parrot" and spixii, named after Johann Baptist von Spix) is a species of bird in the endemic Psittacidae family in Brazil. It is the only species described for Cyanopsitta genre. Other vernacular associated with this species are blue macaw-de-Spix macaws and azure. Inhabited riverine forests dominated by caraibeiras associated with seasonal streams in the northern end of the state of Bahia, south of the River. All historical records for the species are located in the municipalities of Juazeiro and Curaçá in Bahia. There are unconfirmed reports of the presence of the bird in the states of Pernambuco and Piauí.

C. spixii measures about 57 cm in length and has a blue plumage, ranging from pale shades to lived throughout the body. Little is known about its ecology and behavior in nature. Their diet consisted mainly of jatropha and faveleira seeds. The nest was made in caraibeiras, natural or made by woodpeckers hollow. The breeding period was associated with the rainy season.

As a result of the indiscriminate cutting of trees on the savanna and illegal trafficking, the population was reduced to remain a single individual, who disappeared in 2000-2001. It is seriously endangered, existing only 73 individuals in captivity, having been declared extinct in the wild by the Brazilian government. However, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) still ranks as "critically endangered" possibly "extinct in the wild." In June 2016 was recorded in an individual riparian Curaçá possibly released from captivity by a local resident.



The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), also known as Oz moorhen, otter, giant wolf of the river, is a mammal mustelidae, characteristic of the Pantanal and the Amazon River basin in South America.


"Ariranha" comes from ari'raña Tupi-Guarani word meaning "ounce of water." The Spanish are occasionally used "Wolf River" (río Wolf) and dog water (agua de perro), and may have been more common in reports of Spanish explorers in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
All three names are used with regional variations, along with otter-giant (in Portuguese) and harbored giant (in Spanish). In the Achuar people are known as wankanim, and between Sanumá as Hadami .. The genus name "Pteronura" derives from the ancient Greek pteron / πτερον (feather or wing) and ura / ουρά (tail), in reference to its distinctive tail like with a wing.


The giant otter lives and hunts in groups that can reach the ten individuals and feeds on fish, especially characins as piranha and betrayed. Ingests them always with his head out of the water, often swimming picturesquely behind. In conditions of scarcity, the groups hunt small alligators and snakes, which can even be small anacondas. In its habitat, adult otters are top predators in the food chain.

Netherlands becomes the first country without abandoned dogs - and did not have to sacrifice any

Resultado de imagem para bandeira da holanda dentro de um coraçãoNetherlands becomes the first country without abandoned dogs - and did not have to sacrifice any

Worldwide, it is estimated that there are approximately 600 million dogs living on the streets. It is a difficult and complex situation to resolve, and the vast majority of governments lack of public policies to help resolve this issue.

But what seems impossible to many countries, it has come true in Holland. Without any sacrifice or seizure of animals in kennels, the European country has the world's first title without any dogs living on the streets.

This feat is part of a government plan based on four pillars: draconian laws to those who abandon dogs, with fines that reach the thousands of euros, castration and awareness campaigns, as well as high tax rates for those who purchase puppies breed.

Thus, the Netherlands managed to avoid the breeding of dogs living on the streets, and to get people to give preference to the adoption of hitherto abandoned animals. A beautiful and intelligent program, which should serve as an example to countries all over the world!

Friday, October 28, 2016



Penguin (RO 1971, Penguin) is a bird Spheniscidae family, the Southern Hemisphere feature, especially in the Antarctic and Islands of the southern seas, come to Tierra del Fuego, the Falkland Islands and South Africa, among others. Despite the greater diversity of penguins found in Antarctica and polar regions, there are also species living in the tropics such as the Galapagos penguin. The morphology of penguins reflects several adaptations to life in the aquatic environment: the body is fusiform; the atrophied wings play the fins function and feathers are waterproofed by secreting oils. Penguins feed on small fish, krill and other marine life, which in turn victims of predatory orcas and leopard seals.

The name "Penguin" is another bird that inhabited the regions of the Arctic and was extinguished by man, the great auk (Pinguinus impennis). When European explorers discovered in the southern hemisphere birds known today as penguins, they noticed a very similar to the great auk appearance, or even mingling with guillemots, and christened with the name that persists to the present. Although similar, guillemots and penguins have no close kinship. The term Penguin is originally from Welsh pen gwyn, the old popular name of guillemots giants in the British Isles.

The first Penguins appeared in the geological record of the Eocene. Penguins are the Spheniscidae family and Sphenisciformes order (according to the taxonomy of Sibley-Ahlquist, would be part of Ciconiformes order). It is a sea and swimming bird, getting to swim with a speed of up to 45 km / h, spending most of the time in the water.

Thursday, October 27, 2016



The axolotl (axolotl Nahuatl) (Ambystoma mexicanum) also known as axolotl, is a species of salamander that does not develop in the larval stage. an example of neotenous animal, it retains throughout life external gills, a characteristic of the larval stage. The axolotls are widely used in the laboratory because of its regenerative capacity (the animal can regenerate both in the case of losing a limb or its tail, can create a completely new).

An adult axolotl can measure 15 to 45 cm although the most common length is 23 cm and it is rare to find a specimen over 30 cm. The axolotls have typical characteristics of larval salamanders, including external gills and fins flows since the end of the head extending to the length of the tail. This is because these amphibians have rudimentary thyroid and there is no release of thyroid hormones, which are essential in amphibian metamorphosis. When an axolotl receives thyroid hormone, it becomes adult animal with ground loads: lung and legs and loss of tail resorption, making it very similar to the salamander Tiger Plateau Tiger Salamander (in some rare cases, this metamorphosis occurs naturally).

The heads are large and feature lidless eyes. Males are identifiable only in the breeding season by the presence of cesspools much more pronounced and round appearance.


Contrary to what occurs with their close relatives, such as frogs and toads, which now live on land when they leave the larval forms, the axolotls remain in the water for life. Its unique natural habitat consists of lakes near Mexico City, especially the Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chignahuapan, the latter in the state of Puebla. Currently, the Chignahuapan lake, are rarely found. This is due to predation of their eggs by non-native species introduced by man. In addition, the axolotl regeneration capacity also brings some problems, since in certain parts of Mexico is appreciated broths and the naturist medicine (such as vitamin).

Wednesday, October 26, 2016



Lemur (Brazilian Portuguese) or lemurs (European Portuguese) refers to any kind of Lemuriformes infra-order, all arboreal, endemic to the island of Madagascar (Africa). Resemble apes, in appearance and habits, but are endowed with snout that resembles the fox, big eyes, woolly hair, very soft, and usually long, bushy tail.

The word lemur derives from the Latin "lemurs" which means "spirit (s) of the night" or "ghost (s)" and is probably due to the fact that these creatures are white and noctivagas, wandering at night and making their callings .


Lemurs are found only on the island of Madagascar and some smaller surrounding islands as the Comoros (though probably have here been introduced by humans). Fossil evidence indicates that they crossed the sea after Madagascar have separated from Africa.

While their ancestors competed with monkeys and other primates, the lemurs were safe, without any competition, and so differentiate yourself in a lot of species.

Lemurs can range from 30 grams to 10 kg. Larger species, some of which weighed more than 240 kg, became extinct since humans settled in Madagascar. Smaller species are noctívagas while larger ones are diurnal.

Small species Cheirogaleoidea feed on fruits, leaves, buds, nectar, insects, small vertebrates and other animals stolen from eggs. The remains of the lemur species are primarily herbivores, although they can supplement the diet with insects.

Lemurs have opposable thumbs, but their tails are not prehensile. They have nails instead of claws and vision to limited colors.

Unlike the rest of the primates, the lemurs live in a matriarchal society.



Tadpole is the name given to the anuran larvae (such as frogs and toads), caudate and ápodes.


Metamorphosis Bufo bufo species.
It has the shape of fish, with a long, muscular tail, without members and with external gills, in the early stages.

Tadpoles usually develop in water and undergo metamorphoses before reaching the adult stage. In the initial phase of his life the tadpole breathes through external gills that are later absorbed by the animal to generate internal gills. In terrestrial species, these are replaced later by the lungs when approaching adulthood.

Other changes include the elimination of the tail and the appearance members first subsequent after earlier.

Tadpoles live in ponds, small pools of standing water, or even water accumulated in certain plants such as bromeliads and in rivers - in this case, can show body adaptations, such as suction cups, to avoid being swept away by the current.

In some species, the tadpoles feed on plankton and larvae of insects, others are carnivores and may even consume other tadpoles - these forms have a kind of horny beak in the mouth with small teeth.

harlequin frog

harlequin frog

The harlequin frog (Atelopus varius), is a species of neo-tropical amphibian, the family Bufonidae (Crump 1986). Once could be found from Costa Rica to Panama, but now is in danger of extinction, with only a small remnant population near Quepos, Costa Rica (rediscovered in 2003) and presumably is extinct in Panama.
Recent changes in air temperature, precipitation patterns of atmospheric and subsequent flow spread of the fungus Batrachochytrium linked to global climate change, have been the main causes for the decline of this species (Lips et al., 2003 and Pounds et al. 2006) .



Betta splendens is a fish originating from Southeast Asia (Indochina) of Osphronemidae family. The Betta is also known as Siamese fighting fish (Brazil) or Combatant (Portugal) due to its aggression against fish of the same species. This aggressiveness there is predominantly in males of the species, so that a male placed with gentle fish species coexist without problem. On the other hand, if placed in small tanks even become aggressive females with one, usually the larger, assuming the dominant role and attacking other.

In its wild form Bettas have a mild color (tan) that blends with the environment and with some shades of red and blue in the fins are smaller and less aggressive than domestic forms. In nature can be found on the verges of paddy fields, streams and small lakes. The social system of this kind is a territorial system in which during the breeding season (the rainy season) the males defend a territory formed around a "nest-bubble", which they themselves build and maintain. Females visit the males that courting until they release the eggs. Then and after fertilization, the males lay eggs in the nest and drive the females of the territory.





The manatees, sea cows,, manatees or manatees, are a common designation for aquatic mammals, Sirenia, like the dugong, but the family of triquequídeos (Trichechidae). They have a large rounded body, similar in appearance to walruses. The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) can measure up to four meters and weigh 800 kilograms, while the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) can reach up to 2.5 meters and can weigh up to 300 kilos.

generally live in warm, shallow coastal and estuarine waters and wetlands, while the Amazonian manatee lives only in fresh water basins of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. Florida is the location further north where they live because their low metabolic rate becomes difficult in the cold and do not survive below 15 ° C.

There are three species of manatees:

  •  African Manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), lives in the Atlantic, inhabits the fresh and coastal waters of West Africa.
  •  Manatee Navy (Trichechus manatus), also known as manatee, has wide distribution in the Americas, ranging from Mexico, the United States, living on the islands of Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, Suriname and Brazil .
  •  Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) are freshwater animals and live in the basins of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.

A supposed fourth species was reported in 2007 by Marc van Roosmalen, but its validity was then questioned.

In Brazil, the manatee marine dwelling of the Holy Spirit to Amapá, but due to hunting, he disappeared off the coast of Espírito Santo, Bahia and Sergipe. The manatees live in both saltwater and in freshwater. The Amazonian manatee exists only in the Amazon River basin in Brazil and Peru, and in the Orinoco River in Venezuela and lives only in freshwater.

All species are endangered and are protected by environmental laws in many parts of the world. In Brazil, the manatee is protected by law since 1967 and the hunting and marketing of products derived from the manatee is a crime that can bring the offender to up to two years in prison. They are animal solitary habits, rarely seen in groups outside the breeding season.

They feed on algae, water hyacinth, aquatic grasses and other aquatic vegetation and can consume up to 10% of its weight in plants per day and can spend up to eight hours a day feeding. During the first two years of life living with their mothers and also feed on milk. Are much like the dugong and the main difference between the manatee and dugong is the tail. They are very gentle animals and, therefore, are easily hunted and are at risk of extinction.



Like all caladificanicos, the star-fish are marine animals. Your body can be smooth, granular or quite evident thorns, with five hollow tips, called arms. The body is hard and rigid, because their endoskeleton, and can be broken into pieces if treated roughly.
Nevertheless, the animal can bend and rotate the arms when strolling or when your body is in irregular spaces between rocks or other shelters. The star-fish can be between a few centimeters and a diameter of meter (Pycnopodia). These animals move using the retraction and the distension of the tube feet. The breath of the animal if the through gas exchange by tube feet, which would be broadcast call, where the gas and made exchange cell by cell and its reproduction is done mainly through regeneration, that is, if one arm of that animal is cut can develop a new starfish. If reproduction is sexual, the starfish has a larval stage. The starfish have no Aristotle's lantern and so can not chew food. To feed launches the stomach through the mouth, located in oral face at the bottom. It is provided with complete digestive system, and its anus is located at the top; We madreporita soon find a plate, which acts as a scavenger of water necessary for the functioning of Ambulacral or water vascular system.

boa constrictor

boa constrictor

The boa constrictor Constrictor (Boa constrictor) or simply anaconda is a snake that can reach an adult size of 2 meters (Boa constrictor amarali) to 4 meters (Boa constrictor constrictor), rarely reaching this maximum size. There is in Brazil, where it is the second largest snake (the greater the anaconda) and can be found in various locations, such as the Atlantic Forest, salt marshes, mangroves, Cerrado, Caatinga and the Amazon rainforest.

In Brazil, there are two subspecies: Boa constrictor constrictor (Forcart, 1960) and the Boa constrictor amarali (Stull, 1932). The first is yellow, more peaceful habits and own the Amazon region and the northeast. The second, boa constrictor-amarali can be found further south and southeast of the country, sometimes found in more central regions of the country.

It is basically an animal with nocturnal habits (which is verifiable by having eyes with vertical pupil), although also has daytime activity.

It is considered a viviparous animals because at the end of pregnancy, the embryo receives the necessary nutrients from the mother's blood. Some biologists devalue this last part of pregnancy and consider them only ovoviviparous because although the embryo developing in the mother's body, most of the time is devoted to a separate egg incubation the maternal body. Pregnancy may take half a year and may have 12-64 pups per litter, born at about 48 centimeters in length and 75 grams in weight.

Detects prey by the perception of motion and heat and surprise them in silence. It feeds on small mammals (mainly rats), birds and lizards that kill by constriction, involving the body of the prey and suffocating her. Your mouth is very swellable and has serrated teeth in the jaws, teeth áglifa. Digestion is slow, typically lasting seven days and may extend a few weeks, during which stands still in a state of torpor.

very docile animal, despite having a dangerous animal fame, is not poisonous (although its bite is painful and can cause infection) and can not eat large animals, are harmless. It is very chased by hunters and animal traffickers, it has a high commercial value as a pet, and your skin can be used in the manufacture of leather goods. A boa constrictor born in captivity accredited by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources can cost 1050-6000 real, sometimes more, according to their color.

There is a black market for wild animals in Brazil, because the laws hinder its creation in captivity, despite the low risk of accidents involved in creating this animal. The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources suspended the license for sale of pythons in São Paulo, although international studies show that the regulated trading is the most efficient way to combat the exotic pet trade.



Agouti is a common name for species of small rodents Dasyprocta Dasyproctidae gender and family, also known as acuchi, acouti, agouti or acuti. They are small rodent mammals, measuring between 49 and 64 centimeters. Seven species of agouti inhabit the Brazilian territory.


"Agouti", "acuchi", "acouti", "agouti" and "acuti" originate from the Tupi term for the animal: aku'ti.