Wednesday, May 25, 2016



Hippocampus is a genus of bony fish belonging to the family Syngnathidae, temperate and tropical marine waters encompassing the species known by the common name of seahorse . Seahorses are characterized by having an elongated head with filaments that resemble the mane of a horse , and exhibit mimicry similar to the chameleon can change color and move his eyes independently of each other . They swim with the body vertically, quickly moving their fins. Some species can be confused with marine plants, such as corals or sea anemones. Usually they measure between 15 and 18 cm, but can measure from 13-30 centimeters, depending on the  species, weighing between 50 and 100 grams. They live in waters of temperate and tropical


The reproduction of seahorses usually occurs in the spring . To reproduce, the females of seahorses give preference to male larger body size and has more ornaments on his body . For the males a female able to reproduce, they also need to attract her making a mating dance.

Playback starts when the eggs of the species are transferred from female brood pouch for male at the time of mating . The eggs, since the male's brood pouch, which is located at the base of its tail, are fertilized by sperm that the male releases itself there . Two months later, the eggs hatch and the male performs violent contortions to expel the pups, which are inside the bag incubator it.

The cubs are born, they are transparent and measure less than a centimeter, but with variations depending on the species. They rise quickly to the surface to fill their swim bladders of air, in order to balance the water to swim. After birth, they are already fully independent from their parents, even if it is fragile. A male seahorse usually generates 100 to 500 offspring per pregnancy, depending on the species. Generally, almost 97% of seahorses cubs are killed by natural predators, which are usually larger fish.


Kingdom: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Class: Osteichthyes
Sub-class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gasterosteiformes
Family: Syngnathidae
Genre: Hippocampus


- Seahorses live in the waters of seas located in regions of temperate and tropical climates.
- The seahorse is a fish species that has the ability to change color.
- To move through the water using the vibration of the dorsal fins.
- The female of the breeding season occurs in the spring season. It lays many eggs that are fertilized by the male who keeps a bag (base of the tail) to the moment of birth.
- The power builds on noted in: small worms, mollusks, crustaceans, and some species of plankton.
- Food is sucked into the sea horse through its tubular fucinho.
- I have two eyes and the ability to stir independently of one another.
- Swim upright.
- The body is covered with ring plates and have spines on the dorsal fin.
- They are used in ornamental marine aquariums salt water, but require special care to survive.


Length: approximately 15 cm

Color: yellow, red, brown (has the ability to change color)

Weight: on average from 50 to 100 grams

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