Friday, May 20, 2016



The sapo name is a generic name of amphibians of the order Anura predominantly land with rough skin, and glands parotoides like warts. It is used especially in relation to members of the family Bufonidae. However, not being a scientific name also applies to some species of other families like Bombinatoridae, Discoglossidae, Pelobatidae, Rhinophrynidae, Scaphiopodidae and Microhylidae. For example, the sapo Midwife belongs to Discoglossidae family to which also belong the frogs painted. The resemblance of different families of frogs due to convergent evolution in dry environments.

There are about 4,800 species of frogs. [Citation needed] Most of them live near a water source, although there are frogs that live in wet environments that are considered aquatic environments such as leaf litter of tropical rainforests. The need for water is more pressing for the eggs and the tadpoles sapo, and some species use temporary ponds and water accumulated in the branches of plants such as bromeliads as creating site.

Toads are different from frogs by poorly developed webbed and the more dry skin and rough. Generally, they live in a drier environment.

Amphibians depend on water to egg-laying, since they have no shell, and to keep the skin moist, necessary to achieve the cutaneous respiration in which gas exchange is made through the skin. Cutaneous breathing is necessary because the pulmonary respiration is not completely efficient.

After a few days, the eggs out tadpoles breathing by gills have a tail and have no legs. Over time the tadpole loses its tail, developing posterior and anterior legs and exchanging gill respiration by lung and skin breaths to let the water at the end of the changes.

Frogs feed on insects and capture their prey throwing out of the mouth muscular tongue, long and sticky, which is attached to the floor of the mouth by the front end.

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