Tuesday, May 31, 2016

aedes aegypti

aedes aegypti

Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Aedes αηδής Greek: "odious" and Aegypti from the Latin "Egypt") is the nomenclature Taxonomic for the mosquito that is popularly known as mosquito-of-dengue or stilt-brindle, a kind of mosquito Culicidae family from Africa, currently spread over almost the entire world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, being dependent on human concentration in place to settle.

The mosquito is well adapted to urban areas, specifically to human dwellings, which can reproduce and lay their eggs in small quantities of clean, still water, that is, poor in decaying organic matter and salts (which confer acidic characteristics water), which preferably are shaded and outdoors.

Currently, it was discovered that the female does not reproduce clear and only still water instead. The mosquito can breed in water with high levels of pollution, such as sewage. The female observes various factors influenced the growth of the larvae, such as temperature, light and traces of organic matter. The aegypti larvae are light sensitive, which means that grow well in turbid waters.

Females, to perform the biting, can go up to 2 500 m.  It is considered vector of serious diseases such as dengue, yellow fever, and chikungunya fever zica. The control of their populations is considered issue of public health.
Aedes aegypti is a mosquito that is active and bites during the day, unlike the anopheles, the malaria vector, that has crepuscular activity. The Aedes aegypti has the preferred victim man and makes almost no audible sound before sticking. Measures less than 1 centimeter, is black with white patches on the body and legs.

Your control is difficult to be very versatile in the choice of breeding which lays its eggs, which are extremely resistant and can survive several months until the arrival of water triggers incubation. Once immersed, the eggs develop rapidly into larvae, which give rise to pupae, from which the adult emerges. Like almost all other mosquitoes, only females feed on blood for the maturation of their eggs. The males feed only on plant and sugary substances. [Citation needed]

For adapt well to various containers, the expansion of these mosquitoes from its original habitat was quick. Aedes aegypti was introduced into South America by boat from Africa. In the Americas, it is believed that his first colonization of the New World took place through the slave ships in the colonial period along with the slaves. In Brazil, the Aedes aegypti had been eradicated in the 1950s; however, in the 1960s and 1970s, he returned to colonize this country, coming from neighboring countries that had failed to promote their complete eradication.

Aedes aegypti is present in tropical regions of Africa and South America, reaching the island of Madeira in Portugal and the state of Florida, in the United States. In this area, Aedes aegypti has been declining due to competition with other species of the same genus Aedes albopictus. This, however, does not bring good news, since the A. albopictus is also a vector of dengue, as well as various types of equine encephalitis. But in Brazil, the only one that transmits dengue is A.aegypti. And the competition between the two species is due to the fact that the female A. aegypti to mate with both the male of their species, as with the male of A. albopictus which is more aggressive and, being of another species, generates infertile eggs thereby reducing the population of A. aegypti. Repellents based compound DEET (N, N-dietilmetatoluamida) are recommended against Aedes aegypti.

symptoms that the mosquito aedes aegypti transmits

Dengue and Chikungunya symptoms and have similar signs, while the Dengue stands out for pain in the body, Chikungunya stands out for pain and swelling in the joints. Zika already stands for a lower fever (or absence of fever), many spots on the skin and itching in the body.


The first symptom of dengue are high fever, between 39 ° and 40 ° C. It has sudden onset and usually lasts 2 to 7 days accompanied by headache, body aches and joints, prostration, weakness, pain behind the eyes, rash and itching in the body. There may be weight loss, nausea and vomiting.


Symptoms such as high fever, muscle and joint pain, headache and rash (rash). The signals typically last from 3 to 10 days.


Its main symptom rash (rash) with itching, low fever (or absence of fever), red eyes without discharge or itching, joint pain, muscle pain and headache. Usually the symptoms disappear after 3 to 7 days.

dangers and complications


The main complication is severe dehydration, which occurs without the person realizing it. So it is important to take plenty of fluids when the person is with dengue.


The main complication is staying for a long time, the pain and swelling in the joints, sometimes preventing people from returning to their activities.


The most frequent complications have been the neurological manifestations such as facial paralysis and weakness in the legs, such as the development of Guillain-Barré syndrome.


The symptoms may be similar, but the treatment is different for each disease. Go to the clinic if you are experiencing symptoms. Avoid self-medication.

If the medical staff to detect the need, the patient will be referred to the Hospital Couto Maia, referral center for infectious diseases in Bahia. The Couto Maia meets only cases referred to the unit and regulated.

Monday, May 30, 2016



The are called toucan birds of Ramphastidae family living in the forests of Central America and South America. They have a large, hollow beak. The upper part consists of trabecular support and the bottom and bone nature. There is a strong beak, since it is very long, the lever (jaw) is not sufficient to provide such quality. Your digestive system is extremely short, which explains their food base, since the fruits are easily digested and absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Besides be frugivorous (eat fruit), require a certain level of dietary protein, which reach hunting some insects, small prey (such as lizard, frog, etc.) and even eggs of other birds. Have zigodáctilos feet (two toes directed forward and two back), typical of animals that climb trees. Are monogamous territorial (live and breed in isolated couple). No sexual dimorphism and sexing can be made by analysis of their DNA. The female and male work in the nest, which is built in tree holes. Female hatch and the male feeds them.

They posture three to four eggs, the period of incubation is eighteen days.
The toucan is a bird of Ramphastos Family. It is well known for its huge beak (reaches 20 cm). It is a beautiful bird that causes admiration in the eyes of the beholder. Different from what is found, the beak of the toucan is not heavy because it is made of spongy bone tissue, so does not disturb the balance of your body. To sleep, the toucan takes the tail to the head and hides the nozzle.
The toucan measures about 65 cm off the nozzle. There are 40 described species of toucan and the differences between them very small, only the beak color, feathers and size. As for weight, the toucan reaches 520 gr.
The toucan lives in tropical forests of South America (especially the Amazon) and also nearby Argentina. they do not fall toucans on other continents. Incidentally, toucans can not stand the cold.

Toucans feed on fruits found in nature and when they are hungry to eat insects and chicks of other birds. The beak of the toucan help in feeding, since it facilitates the breakdown of more hard fruit peels and aid in chewing food.

At the time of reproduction, the female lays about four eggs and incubation takes about 20 days, during which the male feeds the female, who is brooding eggs. Nests are built in trees. The puppies live in nests to grow a little, they begin to fly. Toucans are not migratory animals.
They can live about 40 years.

In captivity, toucans refuse to eat because they lose the courage and the will to live, a place where they are extremely unhappy. For this reason, one should not try to buy exotic animals like the toucan for creation.

The toucan is being threatened with extinction, it is much sought after on the black market for exotic animals. In the capture, the smugglers take adults eggs and animals, and the vast majority die (and the eggs are broken) due to transport conditions. This smuggling and illegal but very common in the country.

Sunday, May 29, 2016



Butterflies, insects or panapanás panapanãssão of the order Lepidoptera classified into superfamilies Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea which constitute the informal group "Rhopalocera". As other holometabolism insect, its life cycle consists of four stages: egg, larval, pupal and imago (adult). The oldest known fossils of butterflies are middle Eocene, between 40-50 million years ago.

Butterflies demonstrate polymorphism, mimicry and Aposematism. Some, like the Monarch Butterfly, migrate long distances. Some butterflies have developed symbiotic and parasitic relationships with social insects such as ants. Some species are pests because while larvae can damage crops or trees; however, some species are pollinators of some plants, and caterpillars of a few butterflies (eg those of Miletinae subfamily) eat harmful insects. Culturally, butterflies are a popular theme in the visual and literary arts.


"Butterfly" comes from "belbellita", a term trodden in "beautiful". "Panapana" and "panapana" come from panapa'ná Tupi. In Portuguese, the word "panapana" is also a collective noun for butterfly.


The butterfly has two pairs of membranous wings covered with scales, which have varying shapes and colors, and the suction mouthpieces adapted. They have a special organ, espirotromba formed by the jaws, the sucking device lepidopteran insects, which at rest remains coiled, forming a spiral which extends when they want to suck the nectar.

Distinguished from moths (moths) by rectilinear antennas which terminate in a ball, by day lifestyle, the metamorphosis that takes place within a rigid chrysalis and the thin and elongated abdomen. When at rest, the butterflies fold their wings up.

The butterfly can have a minimum weight of 0.3 grams and the heaviest can weigh up to 3 grams; some types of butterflies can get to measure up to 32cm wing wing.

Life cycle

Caterpillar to butterfly larva.
The life cycle of butterflies includes the following steps:
1 - egg (pre-larval stage)
2 - larvae (also called caterpillar or caterpillar)
3 - pupa (which develops within the chrysalis, also called cocoon)
4 - Imago (adulthood)

During the caterpillar stage, they feed voraciously and create food reserves. When the larva is ready to turn chrysalis (intermediate state by passing the Lepidoptera to transform the caterpillar into a butterfly), dependuram on a sheet by a pair of false legs, upside down, so that the skin of his back open, the larva shakes and comes a chrysalis. Adult live these reserves and supplement their diet by absorbing the nectar of flowers and juices of fruits. The adult stage can last from two weeks to three months depending on the species.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

orca or killer

orca or killer

Orca (Orcinus orca) is the larger dolphin family member and is a versatile superpredator, which includes in its prey diet as fish, shellfish, birds, turtles, seals, sharks and animals larger when they hunt in groups, such as whales. Although "killer whale" is a misnomer, because it is a direct translation of the English "killer whale", and the fact that the animal is not a whale, it is commonly used. [2]. It is the second largest mammal of geographical distribution - right after the man - is found in all oceans and can weigh up to nine tons.

They have a complex social life, based on the formation and maintenance of large family groups. They communicate through sounds and usually travel in formations that loom occasionally to the surface. The first description of the species was made by Pliny the Elder which already described as a ferocious sea monster.


The orca name was given to the animals by the ancient Roman name "Orcus", which means hell or god of death, and the name of their biological gender - "Orcinus" - means "the realm of death" (see Orcus). From the 60s, when they won popularity among viewers of aquariums, the neutral term "Orca" was used more than "killer whale", which connotes an incompatible behavior with the purpose of these parks.


The most commonly sighted of the three populations in coastal waters of the northeast Pacific, including Puget Sound. The diet of resident orcas mainly consists of fish and squid and live in complex and cohesive family groups. Family ties last a lifetime, often living in large matrilineal groups and making vocalizations in very variable and complex dialects. "The basic unit of orcas resident company is the parent, all of its dependent descendants (roughly ten years or less), as well as their adult offspring, including their children. Females may eventually spend less time with their mothers , as they are producing their young, but resident males seem to stay with their mothers their entire lives. they leave them for short periods to mate outside their maternal group, but return to their mothers after that. "[4] female residents characteristically have a rounded dorsal fin that terminates in a sharp corner. They are known to visit the same areas consistently. The resident populations of British Columbia and Washington, researchers identified and named over 300 Orcas over the past 30 years


 The diet of these animals consists almost exclusively of marine mammals; they do not eat fish. In southern Alaska generally travel in small groups, usually two to six animals. Unlike residents, not always remain in their family units. The units consist of smaller groups with less permanent family ties and vocalizations in dialects less variable and less complex. Females have more triangular dorsal fins and pointed than the residents. The gray or white area around the dorsal fin, known as "saddle" often contains some black coloring in residents. In temporary populations are uniformly gray. These populations pass largely along the coast, and some individuals have been sighted in southern Alaska and later in California. On the coast of California, orcas gather in groups where attack gray whales, aiming to hunt prey on their young and elephant seals-Loons

Offshore (population at sea):

These animals were discovered in 1988 by researcher Jim Darling, who saw some orcas in the open sea. These cross the oceans and feed primarily on fish in shoals. However, the presence of scarred and damaged dorsal fins similar to those present in the hunting of passers hunting of mammals, shows the possibility that these eat mammals and sharks. They have been mostly found off the west coast of Vancouver Island and near the Queen Charlotte Islands. They were seen to travel in groups of 60 animals. Currently, little is known about the habits of this population, but can be distinguished genetically residents and temporary. Offshore seem to be smaller than the residents and in transit, and females are characterized by the dorsal fin tip which is rounded.

Types whale

  • Type A

 is an orca "typical", who lives in open water and hunt mainly Antarctic minke whale. Along the coast of Argentina, orcas hunt individually with a technique of intentional grounding: they approach the beach and throw themselves on the sand to snatch sea lions. A specific and amazing phenomenon is that these orcas heading to the beach where they attack young lions and fur seals who are learning to swim.
Interestingly, this phenomenon happens in a very peculiar way, for the orcas literally "surf" down the beach to catch their prey, in what is known as "intentional grounding". However such a feat is very dangerous for a young and unprepared orca as it may run aground in the sand and die on the beach. So orcas mothers teach successive times puppies until they learn this risky game strategy.

  • Type B

 is smaller than the Type A and inhabit the seas of Antarctica. It has a large eyepatch and a gray spot in the back, called "back cover". It feeds mainly focasque are on ice floes. One of the techniques most used by these orcas is to create waves to destabilize trapped in blocks of ice, knocking them into the water and then drag them to the tails and drown them. Sometimes, with luck, the seals manage to escape the sharp teeth of this giant of the seas.

  •  Type C

is the lowest of all type and lives in groups larger than any other Orca. Its eyespot is distinctly bent forward rather than parallel to the body axis. As the type B has a back cover. Their only prey observed so far is the cod-of-Antarctica (Dissostichus mawsoni). Orcas type B and C live near the Antarctic ice cap, and the presence of diatoms in these waters may be responsible for the yellow color in two types. an investigation is being made in order to find out whether the orcas type B and C are different species.

  • Type D

 has been identified based on photographs of a stranding orcas mass in 1955 in New Zealand and six appearances of people at sea since 2004. He is immediately recognizable by its extremely small eye white spot, a short dorsal fin and the bulbous head (similar to a pilot whale). Its geographical distribution seems to be circumglobal in sub-Antarctic waters between 40 ° S and 60 ° SE latitudes Although nothing is known about the diet of type D, it is suspected that include fish, because groups were photographed around palanqueiros where allegedly fishing the Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides).

Friday, May 27, 2016



Giraffe term (Arabic Zarafa (t), by Giraffa Italian) is the name given to even-toed ungulate mammals, ruminants, Giraffa gender, family of girafídeos, which contains a single species, Giraffa camelopardalis, or camel-leopard, as they were called by the Romans when they existed in north Africa, it was believed that they came from a mixture of a female camel with a male leopard [citation needed]. Are ungulates with an even number of toes.

The giraffes are the only members of their gender and, together with the okapi, form the Giraffidae family. They are currently listed nine subspecies of giraffe (see below), differentiated by geographical distribution and the pattern of spots. These various subspecies of giraffes now live in the dry lands south of the Sahara. The giraffes are divided into two groups: giraffe-Loons are tricorns, that is, with a nasal horn interocular and two frontoparietal, presenting predominantly reticulated coat; and giraffe south-without nasal horn and the coat is predominantly irregular meshes.

Males reach 6 meters in height and with their prehensile tongues that reach up to 50 cm are able to pick the leaves of acacias, among sharp thorns in the tops of the branches, which are their main source of food. They are able to eat the leaves of trees up to 6 meters high. In order to graze, they have to fend off one another forelegs. Due to the low nutrient content of the leaves, giraffes need to eat large amounts and spend almost 20 hours a day eating. The body length may exceed 2.25 meters and also has a tail 80 centimeters long, not counting the final brush. Its weight can exceed 500 kg. Despite its size, the giraffe can reach the speed of 47 km / h, enough to escape their predators.

Giraffes, like all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae. Their necks, however, are the largest of today's animals, so it is somewhat flexible. Because of its long, stiff neck, its vascular system has the reputation of being the most responsible for the blood pressure of the animal kingdom. The heart has two holes: one that pumps blood to the lungs and limbs and another that feeds the brain with red liquid. The latter is fine, since the muscles are larger, so the force required for pumping is not as great as you think. However, when the giraffe has drinking water, blood pressure head increases too much and not only kills because of two outstanding characteristics. Next to the brain, there is a network of capillaries that branch into numerous smaller veins within the animal's skull. They serve to cushion and distribute this overload of blood spouted by the heart when the giraffe is with lowered neck. Furthermore, a thick vein full of valves returning to the heart receives part of the pumped blood. When the blood vessels too much pressure on the head of the giraffe, it is diverted into this vein. Full of valves that close with the last blood, the vein relieves the pressure head and not let the animal die every time you want to quench your thirst.

Both sexes have two to four short horns and covered with skin. The giraffe is the fawn (yellow-roasted, browned) or pink, with large patches of brownish color (except in the womb, where the hair is white). The brown spots have a single standard for each individual and helps to mimic in the shadows of the trees where they live. These spots also concentrate, under the skin, blood vessels and are responsible for maintaining proper body temperature of giraffes. They have long legs, and the highest front to the rear, and a reduced number of ribs. The lifetime of a giraffe is approximately 15 to 20 years. The leather is stiffer leg and compresses more members giraffe than the rest of the body. This allows the blood does not spread through the tissue and muscles of the legs, causing him to return to the heart. If this does not happen, the legs of the giraffe accumulate a lot of blood for being too long and end up killing the animal.

Lions, hyenas and leopards are predators of young giraffes, but adults have sufficient size and speed to limit the number of predators. Giraffes hardly emit sounds. Gestation lasts 420-450 days only a calf born at a time with a height ranging between 1.5 and 1.7 meters. Their horns are born loose in the skull not to hurt the mother during its exit from the uterus. The horns fuse with the bone during childhood and adolescence. Giraffes puppies fall from a height of nearly two meters when the mother is standing at birth, which is frequent. The vegetation of the African savannah, however, dampens the fall.

It is gregarious animals constituting livestock or some large flocks, walking quickly, the locked step and associating the antelopes and ostriches in African savannahs south of the Sahara.

Giraffes sleep about two hours a day and a little at a time. They sleep standing, and only on very special occasions, when you feel completely secure, lies on the ground to rest. The giraffe only lie if safe because if a predator approaches, it takes a long time to get up due to its size. The giraffe is quite large due to a bone in her neck and her legs, which are well stretched


In some African countries, in their first year of life, especially in the first five months, between 50% and 70% of young giraffes are prey to predators such as lions, hyenas, leopards, wild dogs, or crocodiles.

ecological niche

They feed deciduous foliage during the rainy season (between November and May, when food is most abundant) or evergreen species in the dry season. Small shoots or shoots and acacias and mimosa shrubs are also appreciated. The giraffes are adapted to exploit a vegetation strip located above 3 meters high, out of reach of all other herbivores. Except for elephants, giraffes explore a very narrow ecological niche and thus have no competitors for scarce resources of the savannah. It has only one offspring at a time that is born with 2 meters high.

Thursday, May 26, 2016



Called Peacock birds of the genera Pavo and Afropavo family of pheasants (Phasianidae). Peacocks prefer to feed on insects and other small invertebrates, but also eat seeds, insects, fruits and other nutritious items that are available quickly. Peacocks exhibit a complicated mating ritual, which the male's extravagant tail would have a major role. The characteristics of the colored tail, which has up to two meters long, and can be opened like a fan, have no utility daily to the animal and would be an example of sexual selection. When the process is successful, the peahen lays 4 to 7 eggs, which hatch after 28 days.

The tail of peacocks generated interest from various cultures, for its exuberance of colors and beauty of feathers, and justified its creation in captivity. There have been several varieties created by artificial selection that have white plumage, black, purple and other colors.

At the top of each of peacock feathers row you will see a round, bright eyespot, or a small eye. Eyespot derives from the Latin "oculus" which means "eye." These iridescent points are what give the exotic dimension to the plumes.

In a study conducted in Japan, the belief behind the decoration of peacock feathers was challenged, concluding that the more the male stirred up a female, the more chance he would have to earn it. Because of this interaction, researchers say may be their movements and mating cries - not the famous eyespots - that most attract females. During a study of seven years of peacocks mating rituals, the researchers found that even males with a range unattractive and less eyespots called the same attention as others.

sexual dimorphism 

Male (peacock): Blue neck, with long feathers on the tail (the bonbon peacock is the bird with the largest tail of the world, and Sedentary Peacock is the peacock has the longest neck).

Female (peahen): neck with a green tint, with the rest of the gray feathers. So the peacock is an animal that shows sexual dimorphism.

Peacock flies?
The peacock is a very heavy bird to be able to sustain a continuous flight, but he can move with small jumps followed short flights. These short flights allow him reaches high places, like tall trees for example. Usually their behavior is associated to fly under the search, refuge and also to get away from any risk, such as the presence of a predator.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016



Hippocampus is a genus of bony fish belonging to the family Syngnathidae, temperate and tropical marine waters encompassing the species known by the common name of seahorse . Seahorses are characterized by having an elongated head with filaments that resemble the mane of a horse , and exhibit mimicry similar to the chameleon can change color and move his eyes independently of each other . They swim with the body vertically, quickly moving their fins. Some species can be confused with marine plants, such as corals or sea anemones. Usually they measure between 15 and 18 cm, but can measure from 13-30 centimeters, depending on the  species, weighing between 50 and 100 grams. They live in waters of temperate and tropical


The reproduction of seahorses usually occurs in the spring . To reproduce, the females of seahorses give preference to male larger body size and has more ornaments on his body . For the males a female able to reproduce, they also need to attract her making a mating dance.

Playback starts when the eggs of the species are transferred from female brood pouch for male at the time of mating . The eggs, since the male's brood pouch, which is located at the base of its tail, are fertilized by sperm that the male releases itself there . Two months later, the eggs hatch and the male performs violent contortions to expel the pups, which are inside the bag incubator it.

The cubs are born, they are transparent and measure less than a centimeter, but with variations depending on the species. They rise quickly to the surface to fill their swim bladders of air, in order to balance the water to swim. After birth, they are already fully independent from their parents, even if it is fragile. A male seahorse usually generates 100 to 500 offspring per pregnancy, depending on the species. Generally, almost 97% of seahorses cubs are killed by natural predators, which are usually larger fish.


Kingdom: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Class: Osteichthyes
Sub-class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gasterosteiformes
Family: Syngnathidae
Genre: Hippocampus


- Seahorses live in the waters of seas located in regions of temperate and tropical climates.
- The seahorse is a fish species that has the ability to change color.
- To move through the water using the vibration of the dorsal fins.
- The female of the breeding season occurs in the spring season. It lays many eggs that are fertilized by the male who keeps a bag (base of the tail) to the moment of birth.
- The power builds on noted in: small worms, mollusks, crustaceans, and some species of plankton.
- Food is sucked into the sea horse through its tubular fucinho.
- I have two eyes and the ability to stir independently of one another.
- Swim upright.
- The body is covered with ring plates and have spines on the dorsal fin.
- They are used in ornamental marine aquariums salt water, but require special care to survive.


Length: approximately 15 cm

Color: yellow, red, brown (has the ability to change color)

Weight: on average from 50 to 100 grams

Tuesday, May 24, 2016



Owls are birds belonging to the family Strigidae and Strigiformes order. These are birds of prey, shy, solitary, discrete and silent flight, thanks to the shape and texture of its feathers. In Greek culture they were seen as a symbol of wisdom, as in other cultures this bird was binding symbol with the spiritual world. These large hunters are found almost everywhere in the world except Antarctica, most of Greenland and some remote islands. There are 126 different species of owls, 18 of whom live in Brazil. Is an animal that does not transmit diseases to humans.

Owl feeds on small mammals (rats and mice, for example), grasshoppers, crickets, spiders and other birds. Usually they swallow their prey whole and then vomit which do not enjoy, such as feathers and bits of bone. There are species of owls who specialize in fishing (this fact can be seen in the Philippines). Their natural predators are: the hawk, the cat of the woods and snakes. Despite the still point, the owl is a very smart animal that does not facilitate the lives of their predators.

These birds have very large eyes, surrounded by a feather disc, facing forward and therefore with binocular vision (as humans). They are animals with hyperopia, or almost do not see close (a few centimeters), but at greater distances, his vision is very good, especially in low light. When in danger, his head rotates up to 180 degrees and can be projected up.

His ears are not visible, but their hearing ability is quite sharp, better than other birds. They are able to hunt in the dark, because the feather disc format around t
During the breeding season, the male offers a prey to the female when the prey is accepted is mating. At each position the female lays eggs 3 to 5, the incubation time is approximately 33 days and the offspring start to fly, on average, 75 days. The major species of live owls 15 to 20 years.
he eyes directs the sound of prey to their ears. Its plumage is soft and dense, usually dark colors mixed with white and / or yellow. There are cases of pure white owls as the polar owl (North Pole).

In Brazil, the largest known owl is the eared owl (its height can exceed 50 cm) and the lowest, the Caboré, reaches up to 17 cm.

Filed under: Birds

Monday, May 23, 2016

arctic foxes

Arctic Foxes

The fox from the Arctic (AO 1945: fox from the Arctic; Alopex lagopus), also known as fox-polar, is a fox small inhabitant of the Northern Hemisphere. Although some classifiers to relate to the genus Vulpes, this animal is currently regarded as the only member of the genus Alopex.


It measures 50 cm to 1 meter long and has 28 cm to the shoulders. Weigh a 2.5- to 7 kg. Live 3 to 10 years and reaches maturity at 10 months.

The coat fox varies according to the season, white in winter and brown-brown in summer. The external fox by layer covers a dense and thick lower by layer. It has small ears coated so they help retain heat. The legs are relatively large to prevent the animal from sinking into the soft snow and have the woolly in paws which functions as insulation and slip-resistant. The tail is short, thick, dense, up to 30 cm in length. 


The Arctic foxes run great distances, some more 2.300km, every year in search of food. They mate with the same pair throughout life. When they are breeding, they share the territory with other couples, usually building plays in a sheltered area with no ice or between rocks. These burrows are complex constructions, getting to have 250 entries. Some have been continuously used throughout more than 300 years. The fox uses play as a hiding place against bad weather, pantry to store leftover food, shelter for the young or to escape predators. However, they do not hibernate in these burrows. When the weather is very bad, digging a pit in the snow, curls up and wraps his tail around the feet and legs to warm up.


Foxes Arctic hunt lemmings, mice and other small mammals. Also catch crabs and fish on the coast, as well as seabirds and their eggs. The carrion is an important part of your diet; they follow the polar bears to feast on the remains of their slaughter of seals. The Arctic foxes also eat berries. In times of plenty, store the leftover meat in their dens, aligning neatly birds or mammals headless corpses. These reserves are consumed in the winter months.


In early summer, a couple of Arctic foxes produces a litter of on average six to ten young. The period of arctic fox gestation lasts 50 days. Parents and occasionally other helpers females treat the offspring. They are weaned at about 9 weeks and leave the play with 15 weeks. During his stay in the nest, the young and their parents eat about 4000 lemmings, their favorite prey.

The number of arctic foxes depends on the availability of food and varies according to the number of their prey.


The fox from the Arctic live in northern Europe, Asia and America, Greenland and Iceland. Mostly found in the Arctic and alpine tundra, and also near the coast.

Sunday, May 22, 2016



The platypus (scientific name: Ornithorhynchus anatinus, from Greek: ornitho, bird + rhynchus, beak, and Latin: ANATI duck + inus, similar to "bird-beak, like duck") is a natural semiaquático mammal of Australia and Tasmania. It is the only living representative of Ornithorhynchidae family, and the only species of the genus Ornithorhynchus. Along with echidnas, form the group of monotremes, the only existing egg-laying mammals. The species is monotypic, ie not have Recognised subspecies or varieties.
The platypus has crepuscular and / or nocturnal. Preferably carnivore, Their diet is based on freshwater crustaceans, insects and worms. It has Several adaptations for life in rivers and lakes, including the interdigital more prominent membranes on forepaws. It is an egg-laying animals Whose female lays about two eggs, incubating for about ten days in a specially constructed nest. The newly hatched monotremes have a similar tooth of the birds (one carúnculo) used in the shell opening; adults do not have teeth. The female does not have breasts, and the milk is directly licked the pores and grooves abdominal. Males have poisonous spurs on the legs, Which are Mainly used for territorial defense and against predators. It has a similar tail of a beaver.

Saturday, May 21, 2016



                                   The bat is a mammal of the order Chiroptera whose upper limbs (arms and hands) have membranous wings format, making it the only course capable of flying mammals. In Brazil, the bat can rarely be called by their names or Andirá indigenous guandira.

Traditionally divided the bats in themselves bats (suborder Microchiroptera) and flying foxes (suborder Megachiroptera). A quarter of all mammal species in the world. There are at least 1116 species , which have a huge variety of shapes and sizes, can have a wingspan of five centimeters to two meters, an enormous capacity to adapt to almost any environment (just do not occur at the poles) and a wide diversity of eating habits.

Bats have a more varied diet among mammals because they can eat fruits, seeds, leaves, nectar, pollen, arthropods, small vertebrates, fish and blood . About 70% of bats are insectivores, feeding on insects, being practically all the rest frugivorous, ie feed on fruit. Only three species feed exclusively on blood and are called vampire bats or vampires, found only in Latin America. Thus, bats contribute substantially to the structure and dynamics of ecosystems , because they act as pollinators, seed dispersers, insect pests (including agricultural pests), nutrient suppliers in caves and vector wild diseases, among other functions. They also have the extraordinary sense of echolocation (biossonar or guidance echoes), using for guidance, search for food and communication.Scientific classification:

Kingdom: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Infraclass: Placentalia
Order: Chiroptera

Information and features:

- The bat is a mammal that has the ability to fly.

- Scholars have cataloged nearly 100,000 species of bats, and vary in color, size, weight and body shape.

- They feed mainly on fruits, insects, animal blood (few bloodsucking species), fish, nectar and pollen.

- When flying at night, use a location system known as biosonar (emission of ultrasonic waves through the nostrils or mouth) Some species are guided by the echoes. Although they have this feature, they have good vision.

- Depending on the species, the life of a bat from 10 to 25 years old.

- Can transmit rabies to humans through the bite with their sharp little teeth.

-are Important for the perfect functioning of ecosystems, because they act as pollinators and seed distribution by forests.

- Reach sexual maturity (breeding period) at around two years old.

- Inhabit damp and dark places, especially caves and abandoned buildings.

- Many activities of bats are held in the late afternoon and evening.

Friday, May 20, 2016



The sapo name is a generic name of amphibians of the order Anura predominantly land with rough skin, and glands parotoides like warts. It is used especially in relation to members of the family Bufonidae. However, not being a scientific name also applies to some species of other families like Bombinatoridae, Discoglossidae, Pelobatidae, Rhinophrynidae, Scaphiopodidae and Microhylidae. For example, the sapo Midwife belongs to Discoglossidae family to which also belong the frogs painted. The resemblance of different families of frogs due to convergent evolution in dry environments.

There are about 4,800 species of frogs. [Citation needed] Most of them live near a water source, although there are frogs that live in wet environments that are considered aquatic environments such as leaf litter of tropical rainforests. The need for water is more pressing for the eggs and the tadpoles sapo, and some species use temporary ponds and water accumulated in the branches of plants such as bromeliads as creating site.

Toads are different from frogs by poorly developed webbed and the more dry skin and rough. Generally, they live in a drier environment.

Amphibians depend on water to egg-laying, since they have no shell, and to keep the skin moist, necessary to achieve the cutaneous respiration in which gas exchange is made through the skin. Cutaneous breathing is necessary because the pulmonary respiration is not completely efficient.

After a few days, the eggs out tadpoles breathing by gills have a tail and have no legs. Over time the tadpole loses its tail, developing posterior and anterior legs and exchanging gill respiration by lung and skin breaths to let the water at the end of the changes.

Frogs feed on insects and capture their prey throwing out of the mouth muscular tongue, long and sticky, which is attached to the floor of the mouth by the front end.

Thursday, May 19, 2016




Kingdom: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Panthera
Species: P. leo


- Leo is popular cat name whose scientific name is Panthera leo.

- The lion is found on three continents: Africa, Europe and Asia. However, the large current concentration lion occurs in African savannas.

- The color of this animal varies between light yellow and brown.

- Males are distinguished from females by the size, weight and presence of large mane.

- Lions are carnivores and hunters (mostly females). Lions feed on antelopes, wildebeest, buffalo, zebras, warthogs and other small and medium-sized mammals. A large lion can eat up to 35 kilograms of meat in one day.

- They live in groups of 5 to 40 animals, formed mostly by females.

- Females are responsible for hunting and care of offspring, whereas males are charged with protecting the group of larger animals.

- There are several species of lions, but the best known are: Lion South African Barbary Lion, lion Asiatic lion from the cable and lion-Senegalese.

- It can reach up to 55 km / h, but can go short distances.

- To communicate with other lions, these cats make sounds. The sound of the name issued by the lion is called Howl.


Length: between 2.5 m and 3.0 m (male) and between 2.3 and 2.7 m (female)

Weight: 150 to 230 kg for males and between 120 to 170 kg for females.

Color: from light yellow to brown

Height: approximately 60 to 90 cm