Wednesday, September 28, 2016



The koala (scientific name: Phascolarctos cinereus) is a marsupial mammal of endemic phascolarctidae family from Australia. It was originally found in northern Queensland to the southeast corner of South Australia.

These marsupials are in the process of extinction since the British colonization of Australia, when the habit of killing them to use their skin appeared. Today, hunting is not the biggest risk but the fires in the forests, which kill many animals, and the removal of trees where they live, either by burning or by woodcutters. By losing your home and food, the koala moves and can reach settlements or cities, where he died from being run over or is hunted by dogs.

Geographic distribution and habitat

Koala bear climbing a tree
The koalas are marsupials that are only found in Australia, depending on where they live their coat fits in northern tropical eucalyptus his coat is shorter grayish, and the southern temperate eucalypt their coat is longer and brown . Its location is due to the separation between the continent and other land masses before placental mammals could be established there. The koala turned out to be a victim of hunting and destruction of their forest habitat. Before the arrival of the white man in the late seventeenth century, this marsupial occupied an area three times larger than the current. This animal has been recently introduced or re-introduced on some islands near the coast and in the countryside. These new populations were the result of scientific studies that gave valuable contribution to the knowledge of the behavior of the species.


The koala has a small head, short muzzle and eyes wide apart. The nose is thick and flat, and is provided with large nostrils V-shaped, with highly developed nasal cavities, that move in its thermal equilibrium.

Both the forelimbs and later have five fingers. The thumb of the hind legs is very small and does not have claws. The other fingers are strong and terminate in elongated jaws. On their hind legs, only the thumb is opposed to the other fingers.

The coat is dense and silky, it plays an important role in thermal regulation and protection from the weather. As the koala does not build a shelter, sleeping in the sun and rain. The hair of the back is very dense and of a dark color that absorbs heat. It becomes scarcer during the summer and longer in winter.

It has a good balance and powerful muscles in the thighs, and when climbing a tree, lack of tail is offset by very long fingers and the highly developed claws.

The large intestine where, by bacterial fermentation occurs cellulose digestion, is well developed. The cecum, located at the beginning of the large intestine, can reach 2.5 meters long. Besides, it has in the stomach wall a complex gland said cardiogástrica that plays an important role in digestion. The cloaca has three functions: it serves for mating, to urinate and defecate.

The story of Kenny a Bengal Tiger white who had Down Syndrome

The story of Kenny a Bengal Tiger white who had Down Syndrome

The history of Bengal Tiger Kenny White is heartbreaking. It's old, but I think is worth telling. Died because of cancer in 2008 at 10 years of age, he became famous for a kind of feline Down syndrome. The reason? A cross between inbred brothers made in captivity that caused a genetic problem. This is a common activity, because so rare type of tigers suffer enough demand from zoos and pet shops exotic.

As his deformity prevented him from being sold, its creator delivered in 2000 to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, a haven of animals in the United States. With mental retardation and limitation of movement, Kenny was a sweet, super friendly with the visitors of the place.

He went to live with him in space his brother Willie, who also due to this type of cross, suffered a strong strabismus. After a few years, when they could no longer play, the parents of both were also living in the refuge.

Sad to think that for some people the animals are so disposable. So that there are these places run by good people, is not it?

Saturday, September 24, 2016



The marula marula or (Sclerocarya birrea) (hard skleros, karya nut - a reference to seed) is a medium sized tree, native biome of savannahs of East Africa. It is characterized by a single grayish trunk and a canopy of green leaves and can reach about 10 meters high at low altitudes and open prairies, typical of the savannah. The plant is dioecious (have male flowers and female flowers separated), perennial and its flowers are small, red, issued in early spring.
Because they are dioecious, to occur fruiting, there is need for male and female plants in the same habitat. The fruits are ovoid or globular with a juicy pulp, sweet acidulous and a seed. They are well known for their use in liquor Amarula® brand, produced by fermenting its juice. The distribution of species across Africa followed the migration of the Bantu people, because it was an important item of their diet since the beginning.

  • The fruit marula can cause intoxication the animals that eat too much, due to the alcohol that is generated in the ripening process.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

elephant seal

elephant seal

The elephant seal (Mirounga sp.) Is a mammal carnivore pinniped, focídeo, perfectly adapted to aquatic life. There are two recognized subspecies:

M. angustirostris, Arctic species, the Pacific inhabits the coasts of California, Mexico and Guadeloupe.
The elephant seals are large mammals: the female reaches 3.50 meters and the male up to 6.5 meters, weighing up to 6 tons. The head is large, with large, protruding eyes and brow ridges with stiff hairs. In males, the nose elongates into a kind of proboscis, which gave rise to the popular name of the species. The forelimbs, though robust, do not provide good income on land; later, very strong, with five fingers and split in half, forming a kind of each paddle.

Elephant seals spend about 80% of their lives swimming in the oceans, may be up to 80 minutes without breathing and dive up to 1700 meters deep.

The breeding season lasts only about a month in the summer hemisphere where they live. In this period the females are concentrated in localized colonies and numerous beaches and separated by harems controlled by a dominant male. The female gives birth to a calf, breastfeeding only during this period never get away to feed. At this time, already fertilized again, the female returns to the sea leaving the harem and offspring. Each dominant male has to fight invasions of neighbors and usurpation attempts, while trying to cover the greatest possible number of females in their territory. The stress of the breeding season is so great for males that many of them die of exhaustion at the end of the season. The average life span of females to reach sexual maturity at 3-4 years is about 20 years. Males only acquire the status of dominant male around 8 and rarely live beyond 10-11 years.

The elephant seals were hunted in abundance for their skin, fat and oils and were on the verge of extinction in the nineteenth century. Currently they are out of danger, their hunting is prohibited and their only predator is the killer whale.

Friday, September 16, 2016



The otter is a mammal of Lutrinae subfamily, which belongs to Carnivorous order and family Weasel. It is in Europe, Asia, Africa, in the southern part of North America and throughout South America, including Brazil and Argentina. Its natural habitat is the river, where search foods such as fish, crustaceans, reptiles and, less often, birds and small mammals.

Generally, the otter is nocturnal, sleeping during the day on the bank of the river and waking up in the night to find food. Social groups are formed by females and their offspring. Males do not live in groups and only join a female in mating season. The otter gestation period is about 2 months, producing from one to five pups.

The adult otter is between 55-120 centimeters in length (including the tail) and weigh up to 35 kilos. Although their meat is not marketed on a large scale, the otter is part of the list of animals threatened with extinction mainly by the high value of your skin and the depredation of ecosystems, where the otter is adapted.

This animal has a coat with two layers, one external and another internal waterproof and used for thermal insulation. The body, in turn, is hydrodynamic, prepared to swim at high speed.

The otter is capable of whistling, squeaking and squealing. You can stay submerged for 6 minutes and swimming can reach the speed of 12 km / h.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Great Dane

grat dane

Great Dane (German: Deutsche Dogge), also called Dane, is a breed of dog originating from Germany, known for its giant size. It has calm and balanced temperament, being used to guard and company. It is described by the standard as a dog at the same time elegant and imposing. It is the race of the tallest dog in the world, according to the Guiness Book: Zeus, with 1.12 m in height at the withers.
The breed has ancient and controversial origin. The most accepted hypothesis is that its remote ancestor, the extinct molosso Assyrian, was crossed by the Romans with lighter dogs (possibly the Irish lebrel ancestors) with the intention of producing a strong and agile dog, to be used in wild boar hunting, wolves and bears. Subsequently, these dogs became popular in various regions of Europe and were used for defense properties and caravan escort.
The race was present at the first exhibition of the history of dogs held in 1863 in Hamburg, Germany, registered under two different names: Danish dogue (Danish Dogge - white and black colored dogs) and dogue Ulm (Ulmer Dogge - brown coat, brindle, black or gray). A group of cinófilos judges judged impossible to distinguish another race, and in 1880, the two races were unified under the name Great Dane (Deutsche Dogge), denomination now recognized by the FCI.
 Although there is no evidence of Denmark's participation in the creation of the race, the English-speaking countries and Spanish still use the name "Great Dane" (respectively, Great Dane and gran danés). In 1888 it was founded the official club makers and in 1891 was the first written standard racemic, who suffered minor changes to the day. One of his great enthusiasts was the German Chancellor Bismarck, who created the race for almost 60 years, and was always accompanied by one or more of their dogs. One of them, Tyras, came to attack and bring down a Russian diplomat who was arguing heatedly with Bismark.
The head should be elongated, narrow, expressive, with well defined stop. Skull top and muzzle should be straight and form two parallel lines. The distance between the tip of the snout to the stop, and this until the occipital bone, should be the same. Eyes should be almond shaped and well-fitting lids, without being fallen. The neck should be long, dry and muscular. The body should be strong, muscular, with well-sprung ribs. Members must be strong, well bent, and seen from behind, parallel. The fingers should be together and well arched, reminding cat paws. The movement should be smooth, with past covering long distance.



Chihuahua (Spanish: Chihuahueño word of obscure etymology, probably Nahuatl language), is, according to the Federation Cynologique International, the breed standard 218, part of the group 9, belonging to section 6. It is still one of the smaller breeds world dogs, gains in measures with the Russkiy Toy. Its name comes from Chihuahua region of Mexico and is described as extremely gentle, affectionate and possessive. Like all luxury dog, as they are called these pets, the Chihuahua is not exactly a hunting dog, although it is well regarded as a canine efficient household guard. Because of its size and ease of adaptation, it is well regarded as pet by inexperienced owners and practical.
Its origin is not fully known and yet known to his Mexican roots, was mooted the possibility of having ancestors in ancient Egypt or on the island of Cuba. His worldwide recognition took place in the late nineteenth century, more precisely in 1890, the year in which imports of the race began to reach the world. In the following century, to further popularize the dog, there was the appearance of Chihuahua alongside artists such as Mexican actress Lupe Vélez, director Victor Fleming and participation in the feature film of Cecil B. DeMille in 1931. However, which indeed contributed to the spread of this race in the world was mostly her exotic appearance and their diminutive size. The Chihuahua is still one of the oldest breeds to be registered with the American Kennel Club. Its small size limits its activities and generates serious bone problems. Being a fairly dependent animal, he earned the nickname "lap dog."
Culturally, films like Lost for dog and Legally Blonde had the participation of this race. Among the most famous chihuahuas of human society are: Boo Boo, the lowest registered dog world; Tinkerbell, the dog writer of Paris Hilton; and Momo, first dog of this breed to become police in Japan.

shar pei

shar pei

Shar-Pei may seem sad or melancholy, but when you meet one, will find that they are fun and playful, the best company to roll in the grass. They are kind and extremely devoted to family, create strong bonds and cling very people who care for him.


The Shar-Pei ancestors are remote from the Han Dynasty (206ac - 220dc). Were robust dogs that roamed the streets in search of food and unlike the current Sharp Pei, had completely firm skin. Very centuries later, in Dah Let began to be used in fights of dogs, an average specimen, powerful jaws and loose skin (to reduce the severity of the bites) to more forward would be known as Shar-Pei. With the arrival of communism, the race was in danger of extinction until the Americans discovered this new animal, made some copies and began to open breeding.

The Shar-Pei is a very intelligent dog and if well taught from small, fast learn what can and can not do. It's quiet, respectful, clean, playful, loyal, very affectionate and not late. It's a wonderful dog to stay with the kids and have no problem with other pets. Like any dog, it is very important to offer you a good socialization from an early age, both with other people and with other dogs.


The Shar-Pei is compact, square and strong and muscular limbs. His body is covered in fur and wrinkles. These wrinkles and folds should only be in the head and height of the back. The skull is flat, broad and has small ears and thick and shaped like a triangle pointing to the eyes. The cause is thick, round at the base and is above the back. It has the short and hard and can be black, red, chocolate, blue, purple, brown, etc.

bull terrier

bull terrier

The features of the Bull Terrier, as we know today, were established there, about a century, and its origin, we find a lot of English Bulldog, which was created to fight bulls in public views.
Some breeders, seeking more agile copies, and unbeatable fighters crossed the Bulldog with the old English Terrier White, widespread at the time. The first samples proved to be very bulky and different. Later, through crossings with the Dalmatian and white English Terriers, Bull Terrier became agile and strong dog that we know today.
It's a solidly built dog, active, symmetrical, deep and determined expression. Moreover, it is obedient and tolerant face discipline. However, they are not recommended to make the company the children because their strength guarantees a high level of pain tolerance, ensuring resistance to the games.
The eyes are deep, small, almond-shaped, as much as possible dark, penetrating gaze. The ears are erect, thin, close together. The tail is not too short, not too high insertion. The coat is short, compact, shiny, slightly hard to the touch.

In popular culture

In human culture, among the most famous bull terriers fiction, they are Shark, the cartoon Eek! The Cat; Scud, Toy Story; Bull Terrier Babe 2: Pig in the City; No recent forget Sparky, of Frankenweenie (Tim Burton, 2012); Among the most famous terriers bull of society, are Patsy Ann, who foresaw the arrival of ships in port before being sighted (and therefore won the official saudadora nickname of Juneau and fifty years after his death, a statue was placed where used to be); and Willie, also called William the Conqueror, who belonged to George S. Patton, General of the US Army in World War II. There is also a Bull Terrier named Whiskey, present in the game Commandos 2: Men of Courage, a strategy game from Pyro Studios production, where you can use the dog to distract enemy soldiers.



Beagle is a small dog breed and medium originating in the United Kingdom. According to the Federation Cynologique International, its default is the number 161, the race is part of the group 6, which belongs to section 1. The Beagle is a member of the hound group, is similar in appearance to but smaller foxhound, with shorter legs and longer and soft ears. Beagles are scent hounds, developed primarily for tracking rabbits, hares and other animals in hunting. They have a keen sense of smell and its tracking instinct makes this race is used as sniffer dogs in activities prohibited as imports of agricultural products and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world. Beagles are intelligent, and are popular as pets because of their size, temperament and lack of genetic health problems. These characteristics also make the dog a target for animal testing.

Although beagle dogs have existed for over two thousand years, the modern breed was developed in the UK in the 1830s from several breeds, including the hound Talbot, the North Country Beagle, the hound southern and possibly the harrier.

The beagles are represented in popular culture since Elizabethan times in literature and painting, and more recently in film, television and comic books. Snoopy of the Peanuts comic has been promoted as the "most famous beagle in the world."

greta oto

greta oto

Greta Oto or simply transparent butterfly, is a rare species of butterfly found mainly in Central America, which has transparent wings because the tissue between the veins do not have the colored scales present in other butterflies.


An interesting feature of this butterfly is that they look for toxic plants to have food that are immune to toxins of plants still can feed on common plants. Males of the species transformed toxin absorbed by nectar pheromones in order to attract females to mate.

Friday, September 9, 2016



A pony (European Portuguese) or pony (Brazilian Portuguese) is a small equine animal with a morphology and own temperament. Compared to a horse, among other characteristics, in addition to its smaller height, the ponies exhibit manes and tails denser, heavier bone structure and proportionally shorter legs.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016



The camels (Camelus) constitute a genus of ungulates artiodactyla (with a pair of support fingers on each paw) that contains two species: the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius), a hump and the Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) of two humps. Both are natives of dry and desert areas of Asia. Both species are domesticated, providing milk and meat for human consumption and are draft animals. Humans have domesticated camels for thousands of years.

Camel name comes from the Greek kamelos from the Hebrew or Phoenician Gamal, "camel", possibly from a root meaning support or load (related to the Arab Jamala). extinct species of the genus were hesternus Camelus, Camelus gigas and Camelus sivalensis.

Camels are related (they have the same family) the four species of South American mammals: the llama, alpaca, guanaco and vicuña.

Fossil evidence indicates that the ancestors of modern camels evolved in North America during the Paleogene period, Camelops, and then spread to many places in Asia and North Africa. Ancient people of Somalia, the Punts, the 1st domesticated camels well before 2000 B.C ..

Even with the existence of more than 13 million dromedaries today, they were extinct as wild animals. There is, however, a considerable wild population of about 32,000 living in central Australia's deserts, descendants of people who fled in the nineteenth century.