Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Now yes people, first blog post !!!!


The scorpion, also known as scorpion or alacrau, is an invertebrate animal arthropod (with legs formed by multiple threads) belonging to the order Scorpiones being framed in the class of arachnids.
Scorpiones is the order of arachnids terrestrial arthropods that brings together about 2,000 species of scorpions that have length of 10cm to 12cm, elongated body and chelicerae with three articlesfittings. Animals are usually discrete and night, hiding during the day under logs and bark árvores.Vida, food and habits [edit | edit source]
The different species of scorpions have very different lifespans and the actual lifespan of most species is not known. The lifetime of the range seems to be from 4 to 25 years, with 25 years being maximum lifespan for this species H. arizonensis.
They prefer living in areas with a temperature between 20 ° C and 37 ° C, but survive in temperatures of 0 ° C to 56 ° C. Perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of the desert, support a daily temperature range of about 40 ° C. Scorpions Scorpiops genre, some of bothriurid family living in Patagonia and small Euscorpius of central Europe can survive the winter temperatures reaching -25 ° C (-13 ° F). In Repetek (Turkmen) Scorpion live seven species (of which Pectinibuthus birulai is endemic) at temperatures ranging from -31ºC to 51ºC.São carnivorous animals and usually have evening out habits, when hunting and reproduce. They detect their prey by vibrations in the air, soil and chemical signals, all detected by sensitive by mainly distributed in their claws and paws. Their food is mainly based on insects and spiders, but may feed on other scorpions (cannibalism is a common practice among all arachnids), lizards and even small rodents and birds. Scorpios can eat huge amounts of food, but can survive with 10% of that food need and can spend up to a year without eating and consuming very little water, almost nothing during his lifetime.
They use their venom usually to immobilize the prey, but also serves to pre digest the internal organs and animal viscera. Then they use their chelicerae (small pair of "stuck" in front of the carapace) to tear their food while the intestinal digestive juices are regurgitated to an external digestion, which is then sucked in liquid form. Any solid indigestible matter (at, exoskeleton, etc) is trapped by hairs on the pre-oral cavity, which is ejected by the scorpion. That is, as well as spiders, they can not eat solid material.
Natural Scorpion predators are birds, some reptiles (snakes and some lizards), some spiders, ants, among others. In nature, size is essential to determine who is arrested or predador.A reproduction of most species is sexual, requiring the intervention of males and females. However, some species have monoecious reproduction (also called parthenogenesis), ie, it does not require the presence of males. In this process, unfertilised eggs giving rise to embryos alive. In sexual reproduction, as in other species, there is a bridal dance that precedes mating. The male cleans the floor with the combs and then deposits a capsule containing sperm (spermatophore). Then drag the female up sperm so that it receives them.
There are species of scorpions are viviparous (If you develop inside the female's body in a placenta), but most are ovovivíara (develop into an egg inside the female's body, which breaks out internally). Can produce 6-90 pups and the gestation time varies with temperature, type and mother's diet and can be between 2 months and 2 years. The pups are born completely white and through delivery through a genital slit. They are glued to the mother's back for about 10 to 14 days until completion of the first changes (the younger the scorpion, it will more seedlings) until they can get their own food alone. Adulthood is reached about a year of life.The sting Scorpion (called telson), besides serving to grab prey, defending, and mating, inoculates the poison prey. This venom contains a number of substances whose chemical composition is not well defined, but includes neurotoxins, histamine, serotonin, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, and others. It seems, according to the researchers, the neurotoxins act on the nerve cells of prey, with a certain specificity, depending on the type of animal.
It is interesting to know that the toxicity of a scorpion venom can be compared with the size of their pedipalps (the equivalent of the human arm of the Scorpion); the more robust the pedipalps, less the scorpion is used to poison with their prey and the smaller they are, the more the scorpion venom can be lethal to their prey.
The scorpion venom kind Tityus serrulatus, which seems to be the most toxic venom of scorpions all of South America, acts on the peripheral nervous system of humans, causing pain, twinges, increasing heart rate and lowering body temperature. These symptoms due to their body weight, are more pronounced in children, and because of the physical conditions of the elderly. All scorpions are venomous, but only 25 species can be deadly to humans. Its sting is similar in degree of the sting of a bee toxicity.
The treatment consists in the local application of the sting of an anesthetic (2% lidocaine) and antiescorpiônico serum (obtained from living scorpions). Treatment should be hospital, preferably with the presentation of the scorpion to facilitate diagnosis and treatment.